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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • wimwim
    edited September 2018

    Hey @JohnnyGoodyear, I know you like BeatHawk a lot. I’ve been playing with the AUv3 as a sequencer for GR-16, and it works surprisingly well. Using BH’s song mode was wot got me thinking of this.

    @jimpavloff BeatHawk’s song mode is might be worth taking a look at for inspiration. I like it even better than what Korg’s looks like.

  • @db909 said:

    @wim said:

    @db909 said:

    @wim said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    Thanks to everyone in this thread for supporting me with buying IAP! I really appreciate it!
    There's one more thing I would like to Groove Rider in the future updates to polish it. Regarding making of unlimited projects/folders/user patterns, it is impossible without harming the backward compatibility, it would lead to a total reorganizing the internal data structure. The only thing I can propose here is ability to sub-divide 256 user patterns to several sub-banks, 2 x 128, 4 x 64 or 8 x 32 user sub banks (adjustable in Settings), this is what I'm currently working on. At least you will have a several bank pages for easier navigation in the user patterns list.

    I don’t see the number of patterns as a huge limitation given that there is the ability to export and import banks.

    But the main (and maybe the last) thing I would like to add to GR-16 is a Song Mode. This would solve the projects problem, because it could replace the term "project" with a term "song". So you would be able to construct songs from the created 256 user patterns. Something similar like it is done in Korg's Wave. And export/import these songs, both, as audio wav data & stems, and as a pattern data (to backup separate songs to some other locations).

    Now, THIS, would be terrific! Wave’s song mode is the only thing that has tempted me to consider it.

    The only other feature I could hope for making the list would be some way to edit the length of notes separately when more than one note falls on a beat. It seems like you can record different lengths, but as soon as you edit, all the notes then have the same length. Unless I’m missing something. Not a deal breaker, but something that I run into when I try to channel my inner @echoopera in GR-16.

    You actually can’t record different lengths. They will display in the sequencer, but only one length will play, not sure how the engine prioritizes. I could be wrong, but I’ve done quite a bit of experimenting with all those details

    Humm. Maybe I’m mistaken, but I thought I had played a chord on the first beat of a pattern, held out the bass note, then had the top note coming in and out across the pattern. Maybe I’m imaging that. Anyway, I’m already violating my self control to finally stop making feature requests, so I’ll leave it at that. B)

    Oh yeah you can play it for sure, but the recorded pattern won’t play back that way. It probably still sounded cool regardless when it played back so you didn’t notice. I’ve had the same thing happen.

    Yep. Sounded great ‘n I was happy until I tried to go all perfectionist on it. That’s where all my songs get derailed, so I’m cool with the limitation.

  • +1 for song mode

  • edited September 2018

    @jimpavloff said:
    The only thing I can propose here is ability to sub-divide 256 user patterns to several sub-banks, 2 x 128, 4 x 64 or 8 x 32 user sub banks (adjustable in Settings), this is what I'm currently working on. At least you will have a several bank pages for easier navigation in the user patterns list.

    Yes!! Great idea! And why not add 16x16, while you're at it, e.g. for having 16 songs with 16 patterns each that can be launched live. By hitting pads for example.

  • what is the beat way to sync gr16 with xequence in audiobus?
    is there a way to have the transport controls in each work in a synchronized way. if i press one the other plays?

  • @eross said:
    what is the beat way to sync gr16 with xequence in audiobus?
    is there a way to have the transport controls in each work in a synchronized way. if i press one the other plays?

    Let Xequence send Midi clock and GR-16 receive it. MIDI Status messages take care of the transport control automatically. I don't own Xequence but AFAIK it can send MIDI clock.

  • Song mode would super cool.

    Any chance sidechainer could be updated to sidechain (duck) when a particular part triggers? :p@jimpavloff

  • @d4d0ug said:
    Song mode would super cool.

    Any chance sidechainer could be updated to sidechain (duck) when a particular part triggers? :p@jimpavloff

    No, because Sidechainer effect here is actually not a Sidechainer at all. It is simply a kind of LFO->Level modulation, with LFO frequency synced to the beat :smile:

  • edited September 2018

    @wim said:
    Hey @JohnnyGoodyear, I know you like BeatHawk a lot. I’ve been playing with the AUv3 as a sequencer for GR-16, and it works surprisingly well. Using BH’s song mode was wot got me thinking of this.

    @jimpavloff BeatHawk’s song mode is might be worth taking a look at for inspiration. I like it even better than what Korg’s looks like.

    Interesting thought. I find BH so contained I rarely use it as AUv3, but that might change now. I do like the song mode, I also like DM1's simple (somewhat similar) approach. My fave of these though (nod to @jimpavloff) is Egoist: Pattern-->Part--->Song...

  • My fave of these though (nod to @jimpavloff) is Egoist: Pattern-->Part--->Song...

    Same here.

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @d4d0ug said:
    Song mode would super cool.

    Any chance sidechainer could be updated to sidechain (duck) when a particular part triggers? :p@jimpavloff

    No, because Sidechainer effect here is actually not a Sidechainer at all. It is simply a kind of LFO->Level modulation, with LFO frequency synced to the beat :smile:

    🤔 oh ok, thought I’d ask! Currently getting some pumping on my beats using FAC maxima and boosting the kick. Tried other things but thie maxima is the simplest for now.

  • I’ve probably said it before, but I’ll say it again. I actually really like the way sample files are handled in GR-16. Especially how they are retained in patterns if deleted from the user accessible folder. Simple, and effective. Nice.

  • edited September 2018


    Something extremely wierd with the manual. I go to below link and correctly shows the last version 1.6.0.

    Then I download it to Ibooks and then shows the 1.5.0 version downloaded. How can this be?

    I’ve also download it to dropbox and happens the same , the old version is downloaded.

  • @AlexB said:

    Something extremely wierd with the manual. I go to below link and correctly shows the last version 1.6.0.

    Then I download it to Ibooks and then shows the 1.5.0 version downloaded. How can this be?

    I’ve also download it to dropbox and happens the same , the old version is downloaded.

    That's known issue, seems like an old version is being cached somewhere on your device. Try to clear the cache somehow.

  • @jimpavloff said:
    Thanks to everyone in this thread for supporting me with buying IAP! I really appreciate it!
    There's one more thing I would like to Groove Rider in the future updates to polish it. Regarding making of unlimited projects/folders/user patterns, it is impossible without harming the backward compatibility, it would lead to a total reorganizing the internal data structure. The only thing I can propose here is ability to sub-divide 256 user patterns to several sub-banks, 2 x 128, 4 x 64 or 8 x 32 user sub banks (adjustable in Settings), this is what I'm currently working on. At least you will have a several bank pages for easier navigation in the user patterns list.

    But the main (and maybe the last) thing I would like to add to GR-16 is a Song Mode. This would solve the projects problem, because it could replace the term "project" with a term "song". So you would be able to construct songs from the created 256 user patterns. Something similar like it is done in Korg's Wave. And export/import these songs, both, as audio wav data & stems, and as a pattern data (to backup separate songs to some other locations).

    Just got this app and the IAP but wanted to say thanks for your continued support. It's awesome to see you immediately on the path of improvement (and communication) having just made a major release! Congrats on a wonderful app and great business sense.

  • edited September 2018

    +1 for song mode and step editor would be nice ,somewhat like BeatHawk @jimpavloff ,what a powerful app.

  • Yes+ you must be far and away the most communicative, conciensious and responsive developer of any music app. How great it would be if others were to look at what you have done as a standard to aspire to.
    What I like about you Jim is- you have always been around. There has never been a here today gone tomorrow about it. You seem to have no ulterior motive aside from responding to your customers and providing a service that can be relied on with a genuine desire to make your product the best it possibly can be. Whatever the opposite of taking your customers for granted is- this is you.
    Kudos to you

  • @robosardine said:
    Yes+ you must be far and away the most communicative, conciensious and responsive developer of any music app. How great it would be if others were to look at what you have done as a standard to aspire to.
    What I like about you Jim is- you have always been around. There has never been a here today gone tomorrow about it. You seem to have no ulterior motive aside from responding to your customers and providing a service that can be relied on with a genuine desire to make your product the best it possibly can be. Whatever the opposite of taking your customers for granted is- this is you.
    Kudos to you

    +1 for sure. Hopefully this giant thread has also given you plenty of things to consider for future apps as well! What a year!

  • @robosardine said:
    Yes+ you must be far and away the most communicative, conciensious and responsive developer of any music app.


  • edited September 2018

    @jimpavloff you’ve done it again. 8 bar patterns AND an incoming song mode. You’re making so much of my gear obsolete with these updates and I don’t think it’s even been a year since you launched.

    Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to support my favorite music creation tool.

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @Carnbot said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    I think I have a bug with midi learn. It works then I save it but then I keep losing some of the learned controls and I have to keep redoing it, either that or there's sometimes a big delay in receiving the signal after changing parts, think that could be the issue....

    Thats not a bug, it is called parameter "Catch" mode, you can google it. The knob starts to react only after its position matches the position of your midi knob. This prevents sudden value jumps when using a controller. If you want, you can turn it to "Jump" in Settings.

    Value Scaling would be a nice option

  • @jimpavloff the next update idea sounds fantastic. Could you also consider something like a quick side scroller bar in the lcd window, or possibly a search function so as to get to the end of the list more efficiently. Also PCM Instruments seem to be categorised by instrument type but presets aren’t. Please consider a means to put presets into similar categories. And finally, pop up windows for the parameters in the sequencer edit window, for instance the velocity, note, and trigger conditions etc. Currently they are edited using the jog wheel but a visual menu is often less mental work.

    Techno sessions is a very interesting bank and I’d gladly get more of those for 4.99. Larger companies like Novation Korg Propellerheads and Native Instruments should be begging you to work for them!

  • @ExAsperis99 said:

    @robosardine said:
    Yes+ you must be far and away the most communicative, conciensious and responsive developer of any music app.


    Yes quite right- that should have said one of the most. Top three for definite 😛

  • edited September 2018

    Midi import can be a blessing.. o:)

    Edit.. and channel 10 midi input to control the Drum pads (8-16).. it works so well in Korg Electribe Wave..

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff I feel it would be a good idea to make all the Insert Fx also available to select one of them as a Send Fx Especially the Decimate which is creative for an overall bitcrushed/decimated sound to a whole beat - can this be done Jim?
    As it stands the available Send Fx are bit limited to mainly Reverb
    Also need to fix the MFX to be able to be exported with Pattern/Chain Audio Export Stems
    Bit frustrating you can only bounce MFX audio if you audio export Pattern Audio meaning you have to Solo each track then bounce the audio to get the MFX contained in the audio bounce.

    Applying MFX to each part separately during export is technically impossible, as it was described in the past on this thread. If you try to do it this way, you will get a very different sound result than you hear on the master, because in most cases MFX is not additive effect (sum of MFX'es does not equal to the MFX of a sum, and vice versa).

    @jimpavloff no problem Jim was thinking just incase it was now possible as GR16 has progressed - thanks for all the new features since the first version

  • @LucidMusicInc said:
    @jimpavloff the next update idea sounds fantastic. Could you also consider something like a quick side scroller bar in the lcd window, or possibly a search function so as to get to the end of the list more efficiently. Also PCM Instruments seem to be categorised by instrument type but presets aren’t. Please consider a means to put presets into similar categories. And finally, pop up windows for the parameters in the sequencer edit window, for instance the velocity, note, and trigger conditions etc. Currently they are edited using the jog wheel but a visual menu is often less mental work.

    Techno sessions is a very interesting bank and I’d gladly get more of those for 4.99. Larger companies like Novation Korg Propellerheads and Native Instruments should be begging you to work for them!

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    @jimpavloff the next update idea sounds fantastic. Could you also consider something like a quick side scroller bar in the lcd window, or possibly a search function so as to get to the end of the list more efficiently. Also PCM Instruments seem to be categorised by instrument type but presets aren’t. Please consider a means to put presets into similar categories. And finally, pop up windows for the parameters in the sequencer edit window, for instance the velocity, note, and trigger conditions etc. Currently they are edited using the jog wheel but a visual menu is often less mental work.

    Techno sessions is a very interesting bank and I’d gladly get more of those for 4.99. Larger companies like Novation Korg Propellerheads and Native Instruments should be begging you to work for them!

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    @jimpavloff the next update idea sounds fantastic. Could you also consider something like a quick side scroller bar in the lcd window, or possibly a search function so as to get to the end of the list more efficiently. Also PCM Instruments seem to be categorised by instrument type but presets aren’t. Please consider a means to put presets into similar categories. And finally, pop up windows for the parameters in the sequencer edit window, for instance the velocity, note, and trigger conditions etc. Currently they are edited using the jog wheel but a visual menu is often less mental work.

    Techno sessions is a very interesting bank and I’d gladly get more of those for 4.99. Larger companies like Novation Korg Propellerheads and Native Instruments should be begging you to work for them!

    I agree about the “search” function that really would be cool

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  • edited September 2018

    @Dawdles said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    Thanks to everyone in this thread for supporting me with buying IAP! I really appreciate it!
    There's one more thing I would like to Groove Rider in the future updates to polish it. Regarding making of unlimited projects/folders/user patterns, it is impossible without harming the backward compatibility, it would lead to a total reorganizing the internal data structure. The only thing I can propose here is ability to sub-divide 256 user patterns to several sub-banks, 2 x 128, 4 x 64 or 8 x 32 user sub banks (adjustable in Settings), this is what I'm currently working on. At least you will have a several bank pages for easier navigation in the user patterns list.

    But the main (and maybe the last) thing I would like to add to GR-16 is a Song Mode. This would solve the projects problem, because it could replace the term "project" with a term "song". So you would be able to construct songs from the created 256 user patterns. Something similar like it is done in Korg's Wave. And export/import these songs, both, as audio wav data & stems, and as a pattern data (to backup separate songs to some other locations).

    Will you still be able to jam patterns in any improvised order in Song mode? Like you would if you opened a Project on octatrack etc? Or would it be a static pattern chain? If the latter then that wouldn't really solve it imho. No good for organising live sets etc..

    You added another preset bank no problem? Can we not just pay IAP for empty banks? I guess there must be a math/code reason why not. Bummer tho :( I guess even the mentioned division of the current user bank is better than nothing tho. Thanks for work on it.

    I think the order of patterns in Song Mode will be a static list, but you will be able to jump to any position of this list during live playback by tapping desired pattern in this list.

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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
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