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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



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  • @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    Just got the new update. @jimpavloff doesnt mess about. When he says he’ll do something, he gets it done!

    Customisable number of user banks? Done!
    Improved part selection? Done!

    Thank you Jim!

    Not to rain on the parade, but could we do something about the presets lists also? Subdivide them into categories perhaps?

    Nice to see the bank divider show up so quick :) good stuff, thanks Jim!

    Still hoping @jimpavloff planning to add lots more patterns. 1028 divided by groups of 16 would be pretty good workaround in absence of legit user banks. Wonder if possible to also option to rename the bank divisions?

    Is it maybe also possible to have option to write over the Factory banks? I don’t use them so would be really useful pattern space that’s currently totally wasted for me...

    The space is insignificant as it’s just midi information. The entire app is under 100 MB

    Even if we don’t get preset categories the system is still better than most others because the app automatically sorts presets alphabetically. But as the list gets longer those categories or preset banks would really help.

  • edited September 2018

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    Just got the new update. @jimpavloff doesnt mess about. When he says he’ll do something, he gets it done!

    Customisable number of user banks? Done!
    Improved part selection? Done!

    Thank you Jim!

    Not to rain on the parade, but could we do something about the presets lists also? Subdivide them into categories perhaps?

    He must have an app that codes... really fast.. and still find time to interact here...

    Wonder how long it’s going to take for Song Mode.... ?

    And that Gestrument transpose feature.... well.. I can only imagine...

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  • @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    Just got the new update. @jimpavloff doesnt mess about. When he says he’ll do something, he gets it done!

    Customisable number of user banks? Done!
    Improved part selection? Done!

    Thank you Jim!

    Not to rain on the parade, but could we do something about the presets lists also? Subdivide them into categories perhaps?

    Nice to see the bank divider show up so quick :) good stuff, thanks Jim!

    Still hoping @jimpavloff planning to add lots more patterns. 1028 divided by groups of 16 would be pretty good workaround in absence of legit user banks. Wonder if possible to also option to rename the bank divisions?

    Is it maybe also possible to have option to write over the Factory banks? I don’t use them so would be really useful pattern space that’s currently totally wasted for me...

    The space is insignificant as it’s just midi information. The entire app is under 100 MB

    Even if we don’t get preset categories the system is still better than most others because the app automatically sorts presets alphabetically. But as the list gets longer those categories or preset banks would really help.

    I meant organisational space, not memory.

    Oops ok :D

  • Still pining for a larger xy pad if only there was a way

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  • @Dawdles said:

    @db909 said:
    Still pining for a larger xy pad if only there was a way

    Expandable x/y and expandable edit window/browser would be great...

    If I had to pick one though, xy pad. It is the smallest, and yet you can do so much with it.

  • Song mode will do it for me. Curious as to how that will be implemented. The rest is fine.

  • @anickt said:
    Song mode will do it for me. Curious as to how that will be implemented. The rest is fine.

    Song mode will definitely be a huge help. I find that even when I have enough patterns to comprise a song, I tend to get a bit lost as to where specific parts are, etc. hopefully thE song mode will allow for a bit more of a birds eye view of things

  • Do rather like this app.

    Things I'd love to see, but I'm not sure will be coming....

    • timestretching / pitchshift of samples (keep pitch, change length or vice versa)
    • bigger window / zooming when adjusting start / stop points of a sample
    • multiple IFX / MFX
    • sidechainer sync'd to a pad (today we have a 4:4 pumper)
    • compressor fx or more control of the limiter (attack release)
    • obvs AUv3 hosting etc
    • state saving in AB3
    • 'song mode'
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  • Maybe I got lost on the discussions, but @jimpavloff, have you ever used iDS-10's song mode? That one is cool because it lets you mute pattern parts and whatnot :smile:

  • YOU ALL ARE CRAZY. (In a good way, of course.)
    An extra user bank was added in the last update, along with a free wavetable synth. And immediately the devoted demanded more user banks! And so, a week later, @jimpavloff DOES IT! And still the complaining!

    And yet, this weird relationship has produced the most dynamic, organic app in the ecosystem. I stand back in admiration.

    And, long as we're piling on — I mean, those other guys started it! — sure. Timestretching and song mode would be KILLER.

  • @senhorlampada said:
    Maybe I got lost on the discussions, but @jimpavloff, have you ever used iDS-10's song mode? That one is cool because it lets you mute pattern parts and whatnot :smile:

    If I'm not mistaken it's quite similar approach that both BeatHawk and Korg's Electribe Wave use?

    Ie. create 'pattern variations' by using mute/solo on pattern parts when chaining the patterns into a song?

    Adding an option to do per part/pad transpose in 'song mode' would add great flexibility and re-usability of patterns, and even more crazy flexibility could be reached by selecting both pattern & part individually when chaining source-tracks into a song. (For example 'Track 1' could use Pad 1 from Pattern XX with Transpose +/-X, 'Track 2' could use Pad 5 from pattern YY with Transpose +/-X etc. etc). Icing on the cake would be additional automation of track volumes, pan and other parameters that could over-ride the automation data stored in the source patterns.

    But I do feel thats quite far 'off scope' for GR-16.

  • @ExAsperis99 said:
    YOU ALL ARE CRAZY. (In a good way, of course.)
    An extra user bank was added in the last update, along with a free wavetable synth. And immediately the devoted demanded more user banks! And so, a week later, @jimpavloff DOES IT! And still the complaining!

    And yet, this weird relationship has produced the most dynamic, organic app in the ecosystem. I stand back in admiration.

    And, long as we're piling on — I mean, those other guys started it! — sure. Timestretching and song mode would be KILLER.

    Yep. This is simply the most fun app I've played with in ages. Thanks so much @jimpavloff

    That being said. I second the time stretching if possible. Thanks :D

  • I doubt the time stretching would be possible without a shit ton of work.

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  • @Dawdles said:

    @ExAsperis99 said:
    YOU ALL ARE CRAZY. (In a good way, of course.)
    An extra user bank was added in the last update, along with a free wavetable synth. And immediately the devoted demanded more user banks! And so, a week later, @jimpavloff DOES IT! And still the complaining!

    And yet, this weird relationship has produced the most dynamic, organic app in the ecosystem. I stand back in admiration.

    And, long as we're piling on — I mean, those other guys started it! — sure. Timestretching and song mode would be KILLER.

    Huh? there’s still only one user bank/project...

    Have you updated?

  • edited September 2018

    @Samu said:
    If I'm not mistaken it's quite similar approach that both BeatHawk and Korg's Electribe Wave use?

    Could be. Right after I posted my comment, I realized I never used Beathawk's (and now that you mention, Wave's) Song mode :lol:

    Assignment for the weekend

    Ie. create 'pattern variations' by using mute/solo on pattern parts when chaining the patterns into a song?

    Exactly :smile:

  • @ExAsperis99 said:
    YOU ALL ARE CRAZY. (In a good way, of course.)
    An extra user bank was added in the last update, along with a free wavetable synth. And immediately the devoted demanded more user banks! And so, a week later, @jimpavloff DOES IT! And still the complaining!

    And yet, this weird relationship has produced the most dynamic, organic app in the ecosystem. I stand back in admiration.

    And, long as we're piling on — I mean, those other guys started it! — sure. Timestretching and song mode would be KILLER.

    I believe @jimpavloff did mention a song mode. I’d be happy with just that. I don’t have a huge need for in-app timestretching myself.

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  • If your talking about loops there’s a loop and repitch mode which will “stretch” the loop to the bpm. Then you can apply “repitch” to get the original pitch. The sound is a little degraded but with some filtering you can mask it. Not what your requesting perhaps but it’s kind of already there. You’ve also got slice mode.

  • edited September 2018

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    If your talking about loops there’s a loop and repitch mode which will “stretch” the loop to the bpm. Then you can apply “repitch” to get the original pitch. The sound is a little degraded but with some filtering you can mask it. Not what your requesting perhaps but it’s kind of already there. You’ve also got slice mode.

    For sure. I think they’re talking about time stretching of melodic samples though so like if you have an lfo filter movement in your sample, the rate won’t change when you play different pitches. And I could be wrong, but I’m guessing that would require creating an entirely new sampler engine or something, making it unlikely

  • edited September 2018

    My God. I just imported a Ton of my serum wavetables into gr16 and I lost myself on a journey for the next 2 hrs. I'm quite shocked how well the analog delusions and digital apocrypha wavetables work In the engine. Granted the tables get reduced to just 64 main layers but the morphs between the layers mean the sounds are fantastically useful still.

    You guys can see the wavetables packs I'm talking about here:-

    I just dragged the main wavetables into Gr16 and it worked seamlessly.

    BTW. @jimpavloff maybe I'm not seeing it but is there a way to make the wavetable jump at random using a modulator ? Aka a random modulator. I got it working fantastically with an Osc=>lfo but a random would make it so that if we imported wavetables of unstable analog oscs we could actually emulate analog jitter really well...

  • @gonekrazy3000 said:
    My God. I just imported a Ton of my serum wavetables into gr16 and I lost myself on a journey for the next 2 hrs. I'm quite shocked how well the analog delusions and digital apocrypha wavetables work In the engine. Granted the tables get reduced to just 64 main layers but the morphs between the layers mean the sounds are fantastically useful still.

    You guys can see the wavetables packs I'm talking about here:-

    I just dragged the main wavetables into Gr16 and it worked seamlessly.

    BTW. @jimpavloff maybe I'm not seeing it but is there a way to make the wavetable jump at random using a modulator ? Aka a random modulator. I got it working fantastically with an Osc=>lfo but a random would make it so that if we imported wavetables of unstable analog oscs we could actually emulate analog jitter really well...

    Random modulator is called "S&H" in the mod's list. Use "Osc <= S&H BPM" for this

  • I just want to pile on and.... simply say THANK YOU to one of the most involved and responsive developers on this board, working so hard to make an instrument that we would love.

  • edited September 2018

    @jimpavloff said:

    @gonekrazy3000 said:
    My God. I just imported a Ton of my serum wavetables into gr16 and I lost myself on a journey for the next 2 hrs. I'm quite shocked how well the analog delusions and digital apocrypha wavetables work In the engine. Granted the tables get reduced to just 64 main layers but the morphs between the layers mean the sounds are fantastically useful still.

    You guys can see the wavetables packs I'm talking about here:-

    I just dragged the main wavetables into Gr16 and it worked seamlessly.

    BTW. @jimpavloff maybe I'm not seeing it but is there a way to make the wavetable jump at random using a modulator ? Aka a random modulator. I got it working fantastically with an Osc=>lfo but a random would make it so that if we imported wavetables of unstable analog oscs we could actually emulate analog jitter really well...

    Random modulator is called "S&H" in the mod's list. Use "Osc <= S&H BPM" for this

    Omg I love you. Fantastic stuff :)I know I should rtfm but I hope you aren’t bothered by me asking one last question. Is there a way to tweak the automation sequentially other than recording it in real-time ? Like can I set a value for a particular knob for step 15 to x value....

    Nevermind. Found it. You sir are a master of your craft :)

  • edited September 2018

    Nevermind. Found it. You sir are a master of your craft :)

  • edited September 2018

    First off, thank you for this awesome app. Groove rider renderend most of my hardware useless :)
    I have a feature request to have an option to make a midi controller context sensitive.
    For example I have various pad controllers like the korg nanopad and akai lpd8. If the pads on these controllers could reflect the pads of groove rider would be awesome. Maybe something like midi-learn on pads. Playing a melody in scale on my controller pads or sequencing, would improve the workflow.
    Thank you for spending so much time on this awesome app and the community.

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