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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • @jimpavloff said:

    @recccp said:
    Can somebody please help me out how to reverse a single slice? Is it only possible on separate track?

    You can do it only when part is recorded. Reverse any note in a part in the notes editor (edit Stroke value for the note).

    Awesome... thanks!

    I can't even imagine how many small things like this can be hidden inside this beast.
    Will have to go through the manual for the 3rd time :smiley:

  • edited October 2018

    @jimpavloff said:

    @recccp said:
    Can somebody please help me out how to reverse a single slice? Is it only possible on separate track?

    You can do it only when part is recorded. Reverse any note in a part in the notes editor (edit Stroke value for the note).

    And a fantastic choice of options too, including different stutter decay speeds. Wow.
    Didn't know that :o 👍🏼

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @recccp said:
    Can somebody please help me out how to reverse a single slice? Is it only possible on separate track?

    You can do it only when part is recorded. Reverse any note in a part in the notes editor (edit Stroke value for the note).

    Mind blown!

  • edited November 2018

    @rs2000 said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @recccp said:
    Can somebody please help me out how to reverse a single slice? Is it only possible on separate track?

    You can do it only when part is recorded. Reverse any note in a part in the notes editor (edit Stroke value for the note).

    And a fantastic choice of options too, including different stutter decay speeds. Wow.
    Didn't know that :o 👍🏼

    Wow, just discovered the ‘Slice Mode’.. Does this thing, or, can this app get any better?

    Playing an imported sample from Blocs, treating it with these tools and ‘tempo stretch/sync’ too.. you can get lost with just one sample..
    Very Nice..

    Edit.. and don’t forget the ‘fill’ Shift thing.. 😃

  • @RajahP said:


    Just want to say, your bank really opened up this app for me..

    Thanks for posting..

    I’m flattered that you’ve found some inspiration there Rajah... as I’ve written previously, if you take the time to internalize the program as if it were your violin it will deliver the goods.

  • edited November 2018

    @Billewis said:

    @RajahP said:


    Just want to say, your bank really opened up this app for me..

    Thanks for posting..

    I’m flattered that you’ve found some inspiration there Rajah... as I’ve written previously, if you take the time to internalize the program as if it were your violin it will deliver the goods.

    So true...

    Another re-do of your ‘track’, Remember.. The Slice Mode is a Gem..

    Sample was created (pad 2) in Figure and treated in Blocs. :no copyright issues..! 1 mod a.pattern.gr16?dl=0

  • wimwim
    edited November 2018

    @RajahP said:
    Playing an imported sample from Blocs, treating it with these tools and ‘tempo stretch/sync’ too.. you can get lost with just one sample..

    It’s also a blast to make synths by looping slices a few cycles long. It’s like a synth with unlimited waveforms.

  • You guys are talking in code to me about mythical things I don’t understand. Any examples out there about the slicer or unlimited waveforms? I want to join the club but it is beyond my grasp...

  • Quick and dirty version...

    Load a wave. Set it to loop. Adjust the start and end points until they’re very close together somewhere in the sample. You now have a custom made oscillator. You’ll need to tune it by ear or using a tuner on the output path.

  • Interesting, I’ll give it shot. Thanks for the quick explanation!

  • I am thinking buying GR16, but are there sounds that are not dance oriented?

  • @Korakios said:
    I am thinking buying GR16, but are there sounds that are not dance oriented?

    There’re a synth engine and a sampler meaning you’re limited only by your own imagination

  • @Korakios said:
    I am thinking buying GR16, but are there sounds that are not dance oriented?

    Yes there are!
    It has an internal sound bank with instruments like piano, EP, basses, organs, brass...
    Not a full GM set but very usable.

  • @jimpavloff
    The stereo delay/part is super useful to widen up things, but it also leads to phasing issues/lack of definition in low end - would you consider a mono-maker 'filter' on the master track in pattern settings, please?
    Is there a description available for the arp patterns? Would be useful to see/learn them. Maybe make them user editable through txt editing?

  • @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Korakios said:
    I am thinking buying GR16, but are there sounds that are not dance oriented?

    There’re a synth engine and a sampler meaning you’re limited only by your own imagination

    @rs2000 said:

    @Korakios said:
    I am thinking buying GR16, but are there sounds that are not dance oriented?

    Yes there are!
    It has an internal sound bank with instruments like piano, EP, basses, organs, brass...
    Not a full GM set but very usable.

    Thank you both :)
    If there is any link to a video/track , I’d love hearing it. In most reviews, people use the presets which are really not my taste :tongue:

  • How's gr 16 for pads and ambient down tempo stuff ??
    Everything on YouTube is to dancey for me

  • @reasOne said:
    How's gr 16 for pads and ambient down tempo stuff ??
    Everything on YouTube is to dancey for me

    Can be done, but that definitely isn’t its forte. IMO.

  • edited November 2018

    @wim said:

    @reasOne said:
    How's gr 16 for pads and ambient down tempo stuff ??
    Everything on YouTube is to dancey for me

    Can be done, but that definitely isn’t its forte. IMO.

    Huh? GR is excellent for pads if you know a bit about synthesizers.
    GR has quite a capable synth built-in, if you want pads, pick your favorite out of the many single- and dual plus detunable OSC waveforms, use one of the many different LP/BP/HP/Peak filter models, add chorus or the talking/vowel filter, adjust the ADSR.
    What else do you need for great pads?
    And you've not even touched the wavetables yet.

    The only limitation I see is max. 4 voice polyphony on each of the 16 tracks.
    If you play chords with two hands you'll have to use more than one track.

  • wimwim
    edited November 2018

    I> @rs2000 said:

    @wim said:

    @reasOne said:
    How's gr 16 for pads and ambient down tempo stuff ??
    Everything on YouTube is to dancey for me

    Can be done, but that definitely isn’t its forte. IMO.

    Huh? GR is excellent for pads if you know a bit about synthesizers.
    GR has quite a capable synth built-in, if you want pads, pick your favorite out of the many single- and dual plus detunable OSC waveforms, use one of the many different LP/BP/HP/Peak filter models, add chorus or the talking/vowel filter, adjust the ADSR.
    What else do you need for great pads?
    And you've not even touched the wavetables yet.

    The only limitation I see is max. 4 voice polyphony on each of the 16 tracks.
    If you play chords with two hands you'll have to use more than one track.

    It’s not about the synth so much as other factors. Of course you can make pad sounds. It’s more things like having all notes triggered on one beat for a pad needing to be the same length and velocity, limited FX per pad, etc. that woudn’t make it my first choice for ambient stuff. I’ve done downtempo, chill stuff, even atmospheric with it, but I can’t say it felt natural or like it was inspiring me in that direction.

    All I’m sayin’ is if someone asked me “What’s the best iOS app for making ambient downtempo stuff?” I don’t think GR-16 would be anywhere near the top of the list.

  • @wim said:
    I> @rs2000 said:

    @wim said:

    @reasOne said:
    How's gr 16 for pads and ambient down tempo stuff ??
    Everything on YouTube is to dancey for me

    Can be done, but that definitely isn’t its forte. IMO.

    Huh? GR is excellent for pads if you know a bit about synthesizers.
    GR has quite a capable synth built-in, if you want pads, pick your favorite out of the many single- and dual plus detunable OSC waveforms, use one of the many different LP/BP/HP/Peak filter models, add chorus or the talking/vowel filter, adjust the ADSR.
    What else do you need for great pads?
    And you've not even touched the wavetables yet.

    The only limitation I see is max. 4 voice polyphony on each of the 16 tracks.
    If you play chords with two hands you'll have to use more than one track.

    It’s not about the synth so much as other factors. Of course you can make pad sounds. It’s more things like having all notes triggered on one beat for a pad needing to be the same length and velocity, limited FX per pad, etc. that woudn’t make it my first choice for ambient stuff. I’ve done downtempo, chill stuff, even atmospheric with it, but I can’t say it felt natural or like it was inspiring me in that direction.

    All I’m sayin’ is if someone asked me “What’s the best iOS app for making ambient downtempo stuff?” I don’t think GR-16 would be anywhere near the top of the list.

    OK, you're right about that for sure.

  • To me the main limitation for pads is the single env/part. Would be cool if unused envelopes - parts with one-shot sounds - could be 'borrowed'.

  • edited November 2018

    @recccp said:
    To me the main limitation for pads is the single env/part. Would be cool if unused envelopes - parts with one-shot sounds - could be 'borrowed'.

    ...or just a second assignable modulator :smiley:
    I would use this in half of my parts.

  • edited November 2018

    The only person who can accurately answer this question is the Wizard himself.

  • The Wizard is here. The ADSR envelope for each note in a part is unique. But the Modulator's envelope is shared among all the notes in one part. So every time you trigger a new note, the modulator's envelope will be retriggered, no matter how many notes are currently being held (their mod. envelope will also be retriggered). That is one example of a many internal optimizations indise the GR-16 sound engine to make it light to the CPU.

  • edited November 2018

    @jimpavloff said:
    The Wizard is here. :D The ADSR envelope for each note in a part is unique. But the Modulator's envelope is shared among all the notes in one part. So every time you trigger a new note, the modulator's envelope will be retriggered, no matter how many notes are currently being held (their mod. envelope will also be retriggered). That is one example of a many internal optimizations inside the GR-16 sound engine to make it light to the CPU.

  • edited November 2018

    @AnalogCortex said:
    I just purchased GR-16 on my iPhone, and instead of two rows of 8 pads I have a single row of 16 keys. Can’t seem to figure out how to switch to pads, which is whaf I see in every demo/tutorial.

    These are pads too, only organized in one row of 16 pads instead of 2x8 pads.
    Gr-16 does not have a keyboard in the classic sense.

  • @rs2000 said:

    @AnalogCortex said:
    I just purchased GR-16 on my iPhone, and instead of two rows of 8 pads I have a single row of 16 keys. Can’t seem to figure out how to switch to pads, which is whaf I see in every demo/tutorial.

    These are pads too, only organized in one row of 16 pads instead of 2x8 pads.
    Gr-16 does not have a keyboard in the classic sense.

    Note also the that those pads can play numerous scales similar to Korg Gadgets or GarageBands smart keyboards, find the scale settings in pattern menu. Play any part chromatically by switching to key mode, and use the poly button if you want polyphonic playing instead of monophonic.

    Just read the damn manual :D

  • edited November 2018

    @rs2000 said:

    @AnalogCortex said:
    I just purchased GR-16 on my iPhone, and instead of two rows of 8 pads I have a single row of 16 keys. Can’t seem to figure out how to switch to pads, which is whaf I see in every demo/tutorial.

    These are pads too, only organized in one row of 16 pads instead of 2x8 pads.
    Gr-16 does not have a keyboard in the classic sense.

    Thanks for the reply. So, is that just how the iPhone version is? Not a huge deal, though it does make following along with tutorials using the two-row format (which is all of them as far as I can tell) slightly trickier.

  • edited November 2018

    @AnalogCortex said:

    @rs2000 said:

    @AnalogCortex said:
    I just purchased GR-16 on my iPhone, and instead of two rows of 8 pads I have a single row of 16 keys. Can’t seem to figure out how to switch to pads, which is whaf I see in every demo/tutorial.

    These are pads too, only organized in one row of 16 pads instead of 2x8 pads.
    Gr-16 does not have a keyboard in the classic sense.

    Thanks for the reply. So, is that just how the iPhone version is? Not a huge deal, though it does make following along with tutorials using the two-row format (which is all of them as far as I can tell) slightly trickier.

    Exactly. Just let your mind do the pad re-mapping automatically ;)

    @LucidMusicInc said:
    Just read the damn manual :D

    And the GR-16 manual is an exceptionally good one.
    Many apps don't come with a manual at all!

  • S> @rs2000 said:

    @AnalogCortex said:

    @rs2000 said:

    @AnalogCortex said:
    I just purchased GR-16 on my iPhone, and instead of two rows of 8 pads I have a single row of 16 keys. Can’t seem to figure out how to switch to pads, which is whaf I see in every demo/tutorial.

    These are pads too, only organized in one row of 16 pads instead of 2x8 pads.
    Gr-16 does not have a keyboard in the classic sense.

    Thanks for the reply. So, is that just how the iPhone version is? Not a huge deal, though it does make following along with tutorials using the two-row format (which is all of them as far as I can tell) slightly trickier.

    Exactly. Just let your mind do the pad re-mapping automatically ;)

    You could also try turning your head sideways and looking cross-eyed.

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