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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • Just discovered the arpeggiator with its different modes makes for a great way to record percussion

  • edited December 2017

    ok I have tried to import 16 bit stereo and mono files transfered via files app- Groove Rider failed to load them I think theres a bug here as app crashed few times too iam on ipad air2 ios11 will try on my ipad pro - anyone else with import issues

  • @stormbeats said:
    ok I have tried to import 16 bit stereo and mono files transfered via files app- Groove Rider failed to load them I think theres a bug here as app crashed few times too iam on ipad air2 ios11 will try on my ipad pro - anyone else with import issues

    No problem on my Air 1 iOS 11. Are they wav files? Stereo files are converted to mono btw.

  • @jimpavloff update - ive now tried 16bit&24bit mono and stereo wav. sample import- "not found" message appearing in Imports window but the sample name is seen

  • edited December 2017

    @anickt said:

    @stormbeats said:
    ok I have tried to import 16 bit stereo and mono files transfered via files app- Groove Rider failed to load them I think theres a bug here as app crashed few times too iam on ipad air2 ios11 will try on my ipad pro - anyone else with import issues

    No problem on my Air 1 iOS 11. Are they wav files? Stereo files are converted to mono btw.

    @anickt ok thanks yep wav files will try on my Pro - Quick question are you importing 16bit or 24bit?
    Getting same issue on my Pro -
    update - its working now its that "good old buggy files app" again :-) dragging a sample to import folder didnt work - had to copy sample then move to imports folder - still buggy though

  • @skiphunt said:

    @Fruitbat1919 said:

    @skiphunt said:
    I think these questions have been answered already, but I just skimmed all 12 pages and couldn't locate the answers. So, if someone could be so kind ;)

    • Can I have more effects on a part than 1? I select a filter effect, adjust, then write. But then after I select another filter on the same part, it just switches to the new filter instead of adding to the previously selected one.
    • How do you erase automation you're recorded on a given part?
    • If I have 4 bars set up, but only want to work on one bar at a time, is there a way I can get the playhead to just play that bar while I'm working on it, instead of cycling through the other 3 bars too?

    These are my ‘as far as I know’ answers:

    Only one insert fx per part.

    Shift + Copy gives you a menu with Clear Part Automation as an option.

    If I really want to work on just one bar at a time, I copy that bar to a new Pattern. I can then copy it back. Once you get used to copying bits around in the app, it becomes second nature - to start with it seems slightly alien. I suppose I’m used to this from hardware.


    Sooo, as far as you know, I can't simply record an insert fx, then layer another one on top for multiple insert fx on one part?

    And, there's not a way to simply/temporarily solo a bar while you're working on it? It'd be cool if you could kind of solo/mute bars while editing. But, I guess I could either do as you suggest. Or, just start with one bar, before creating a new one and moving onto it after the first one is done. Only this doesn't work either because lets say you have all 4 bars worked out, but want to fine tune edit just the second bar without having to cycle through the other 3 bars in the process. Unless there's some other setting for this, it sounds like copying a bar out into a new pattern, then back in, as you suggest, would be the only way. Seems like there ought to be a more elegant, less clunky way of doing that though.

    Here’s a quick thing showing me using the edit page to put some variety into the drums. I’m showing you this, as it might be handy to work on one bar like this.

    Open an Initial pattern:

    Select the kick drum (part 9), either with the PART SCROLL BUTTONS or just press TRIGGER then PAD 9.

    Press SEQUENCE, then EDIT. The edit screen comes up and the first kick drum beat will be flashing (all standard INIT patches have four kick drum beats pre- programmed).

    If there are no beats showing, you may not be on the first bar. Remember, you can actually work on 4 bars even if the pattern is set to only play one.

    Now highlight the 100% number by touching it on screen. This is the percentage chance that the kick will sound. Touching anything in the edit screen will select it. Now select the 2nd kick beat by touching it. Now we will edit it’s settings. Now select the 100% and use the scroll wheel to change it by 10% intervals (use SHIFT and SCROLL to do single digit changes).

    Now select another beat and change its percentage change to sound.

    Remember to press the WRITE button to save.

    Now try highlighting recording some notes of a synth and edit them in this way. Then highlight the other edit options and see what they do in edit mode.

  • @Fruitbat1919 Oh, so that 100% is a probability setting?! Cool!

    I was going to ask about the default pre-programmed 4 kick drum, and how I can turn that off. Don't mind it much, but I'm so far liking a clean palette start.

    Thanks for this! I'm already warming up to GR and don't regret buying. I've already made some stuff with it that, although not very good quite yet, definitely doesn't sound anything like 90's EDM. Even starting with the pre-baked dancing presets, you can turn those into dark monstrosities if desired. lol ;)

  • @skiphunt said:
    @Fruitbat1919 Oh, so that 100% is a probability setting?! Cool!

    I was going to ask about the default pre-programmed 4 kick drum, and how I can turn that off. Don't mind it much, but I'm so far liking a clean palette start.

    Thanks for this! I'm already warming up to GR and don't regret buying. I've already made some stuff with it that, although not very good quite yet, definitely doesn't sound anything like 90's EDM. Even starting with the pre-baked dancing presets, you can turn those into dark monstrosities if desired. lol ;)

    Yeah it’s easy to get other stuff than EDM. I’m getting stuff quickly. I just need stem export now to continue my ideas in BM3

  • edited December 2017

    @jimpavloff I spoke too soon - on my ipad pro and air2 iOS 11groove rider is seeing the name of imported samples but saying "not found So far only managed to import one sample with same bit rate as the failed ones - weird !!! Tried via files app and itunes file transfer

  • @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff I spoke too soon - on my ipad pro and air2 iOS 11groove rider is seeing the name of imported samples but saying "not found So far only managed to import one sample with same bit rate as the failed ones - weird !!!

    You may receive crashes when importing samples due to a know bug, that will be fixed already in the upcoming update. Once that get fixed, I hope the "Not found" issue will go away too.

  • @DaveMagoo said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @DaveMagoo said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @dendy said:
    you can access audioshare through files app .. whith files support you have a cess basically to all other sharing apps :)

    yeah, it is just another step and pain in the ass. Plus I am not on OS 11 because of my music apps. All of iPad musicians know that direct Audioshare support is the best way to go. I love how I can open up the new sampler gadget in gadget and import directly from audioshare. All of my music apps with sample playing capability have this. Even LP5.

    I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11.

    @jimpavloff are there plans to expand the import options?

    "I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11." maybe for you. But others have had different experiences.
    More options for sample import is a "GOOD THING". My work flow is different from yours. It includes Audioshare (like many other musicians).

    I use Audioshare in my Korg Gadget workflow so I know what potential benefits there are for it in GR-16 but I guess we will have to wait and see what @jimpavloff has planned in this area.

    In the mean time I can just sample everything I need into Audioshare and just copy into the GR-16 import folder via the document picker right within Audioshare (iOS 11 only).

    It would be great if GR-16 was able to store its documents in iCloud Drive as we could then access a shared pool of samples across devices.

    An interesting excerpt from the manual...

    “Current version of Groove Rider supports import of files, that must be placed inside the Import folder only under the app’s Document folder. But, starting from version 1.1, Groove Rider will support importing of samples placed into any user folder under the app’s Document folder.”

    " It would be great if GR-16 was able to store its documents in iCloud Drive as we could then access a shared pool of samples across devices." @DaveMagoo

    I totally agree with you on this point!

  • @InfoCheck said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @DaveMagoo said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @dendy said:
    you can access audioshare through files app .. whith files support you have a cess basically to all other sharing apps :)

    yeah, it is just another step and pain in the ass. Plus I am not on OS 11 because of my music apps. All of iPad musicians know that direct Audioshare support is the best way to go. I love how I can open up the new sampler gadget in gadget and import directly from audioshare. All of my music apps with sample playing capability have this. Even LP5.

    I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11.

    @jimpavloff are there plans to expand the import options?

    "I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11." maybe for you. But others have had different experiences.
    More options for sample import is a "GOOD THING". My work flow is different from yours. It includes Audioshare (like many other musicians).

    I welcomed being able to use the file app to bring in samples. It’s convenient to be able to bring in multiple files at once. For those such as yourself on an earlier version of iOS, document picker support would also provide a way to import multiple files at once (e.g. Beathawk).

    Again, not interested!

    @LucidMusicInc explains very well why Audioshare is not only a good idea but also critical to Groove Rider's development:

    "Apps that link directly to AudioShare allow us to do a number of things like preview the sounds, do quick edits like trimming, adjusting the amplitude, making fades, renaming, converting zipping and unzipping and organising in directories. It also allows sharing through wifi and air drop and it's useful for other things besides Audio too, you can back up your banks or projects in it.

    Files only does a few of these and not all apps currently do or ever will support it. Files only works on IOS 11. To sacrifice AudioShare and the existing import/export open in system would be a tragic step back despite the workarounds."

    This is not about one idea over an existing one. It's about adding more good improvements, in this case Audioshare integration. Glad you like file system. The rest of musicians want/NEED Audioshare. It's that simple!

  • edited December 2017

    Who said anything about sacrificing AudioShare?

  • edited December 2017

    @jimpavloff said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff I spoke too soon - on my ipad pro and air2 iOS 11groove rider is seeing the name of imported samples but saying "not found So far only managed to import one sample with same bit rate as the failed ones - weird !!!

    You may receive crashes when importing samples due to a know bug, that will be fixed already in the upcoming update. Once that get fixed, I hope the "Not found" issue will go away too.

    @jimpavloff ok thanks - was giving me a headache I had just imported 2 files with same bit rate one worked the other didnt - at least I know it's not me going crazy - cheers again

  • @InfoCheck said:

    @stormbeats said:

    @InfoCheck said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @DaveMagoo said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @dendy said:
    you can access audioshare through files app .. whith files support you have a cess basically to all other sharing apps :)

    yeah, it is just another step and pain in the ass. Plus I am not on OS 11 because of my music apps. All of iPad musicians know that direct Audioshare support is the best way to go. I love how I can open up the new sampler gadget in gadget and import directly from audioshare. All of my music apps with sample playing capability have this. Even LP5.

    I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11.

    @jimpavloff are there plans to expand the import options?

    "I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11." maybe for you. But others have had different experiences.
    More options for sample import is a "GOOD THING". My work flow is different from yours. It includes Audioshare (like many other musicians).

    I welcomed being able to use the file app to bring in samples. It’s convenient to be able to bring in multiple files at once. For those such as yourself on an earlier version of iOS, document picker support would also provide a way to import multiple files at once (e.g. Beathawk).

    I agree only thing is files app works when it wants to

    My experience has been different. As more developers add file app support and Apple responds to live public feedback to squash bugs, the experience will only get better.

    File thing sounds great, for files like documents and photos or deleting those annoying files that are eating up your harddrive space on ipad. But for music, we have solutions for samples and wave files that has worked for many artists; audio copy or Audioshare. Audioshare allows me to organize my audio files, preview edit them before I import them into an app and most of all EVERY app uses Audioshare. It's great you have found a use for files support in your workflow. Jim has this feature already in GR. What being asked of Jim is to include Audioshare integration for the rest of the musicians that uses it. Keep in mind the musician usership for Audioshare to work with samples and audio files out weighs the early adopters here for the OS 11 file system.

  • edited December 2017

    @SMKArtist said:

    @InfoCheck said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @DaveMagoo said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @dendy said:
    you can access audioshare through files app .. whith files support you have a cess basically to all other sharing apps :)

    yeah, it is just another step and pain in the ass. Plus I am not on OS 11 because of my music apps. All of iPad musicians know that direct Audioshare support is the best way to go. I love how I can open up the new sampler gadget in gadget and import directly from audioshare. All of my music apps with sample playing capability have this. Even LP5.

    I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11.

    @jimpavloff are there plans to expand the import options?

    "I have to say that the files app integration is pretty slick and works very well on iOS11." maybe for you. But others have had different experiences.
    More options for sample import is a "GOOD THING". My work flow is different from yours. It includes Audioshare (like many other musicians).

    I welcomed being able to use the file app to bring in samples. It’s convenient to be able to bring in multiple files at once. For those such as yourself on an earlier version of iOS, document picker support would also provide a way to import multiple files at once (e.g. Beathawk).

    Again, not interested!

    @LucidMusicInc explains very well why Audioshare is not only a good idea but also critical to Groove Rider's development:

    "Apps that link directly to AudioShare allow us to do a number of things like preview the sounds, do quick edits like trimming, adjusting the amplitude, making fades, renaming, converting zipping and unzipping and organising in directories. It also allows sharing through wifi and air drop and it's useful for other things besides Audio too, you can back up your banks or projects in it.

    Files only does a few of these and not all apps currently do or ever will support it. Files only works on IOS 11. To sacrifice AudioShare and the existing import/export open in system would be a tragic step back despite the workarounds."

    This is not about one idea over an existing one. It's about adding more good improvements, in this case Audioshare integration. Glad you like file system. The rest of musicians want/NEED Audioshare. It's that simple!

    I’m not opposed to AudioShare support, I just recognize the limited resources of developers and I’m okay with workarounds all things being equal if an app provides functionality I enjoy. Everybody has their preferences and priorities, some may advocate for them with the developer who ultimately decides what they’re willing to support in their app.

    I’ve already prepared my samples by the time I’m ready to import them into Groove Rider via the file app. The workflow of others can be different. Using the file app hasn’t precluded the use of AudioShare for storing my samples. It’s a lot easier to add/remove samples to Groove Rider than to do so for the Korg Volca Sample so that may be why I don’t see direct AudioShare support as being critical to using the app for creating music.

    There are many other features I would rather see added first such as MIDI support, stem export, options for how to deal with audio tails at the end of patterns, being able to create more user banks, import/export of banks, patterns using open in or some other non-iTunes solution.

  • @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff @samu and anyone - I don't think the manual explains the important part - how to SAVE a project - I might be wrong but if anyone knows?
    Thanks in advance

    @stormbeats Hit the write button saves your project. To name it hold shift Write. Then you have to hit write again to save the name you used. It's an Electribe carry over. Which reminds me...

    @jimpavloff , Hey, in your next update or two, can you set write to simply open up both the option to save and save the name as well in just one step? This two step process is a bit cumbersome. Thanks!

  • edited December 2017

    FYI: Anyone perched up on the fence like I was... possibly put off by some of the obvious struggles to grok this interface that folks like me have had initially... don't be. It's not that bad. You may take to it like a duck to water like some users in this thread have, but if you're like me and not that familiar with grooveboxes, per se, it's just a little bit of work getting over the first quirky interface humps, and then it all starts to make a lot more sense very quickly.

    The first demo sounds and videos made me initially think that I'd be stuck with mostly only 90's EDM sounds to play with, but you can carve those up in great multitude of ways that don't even slightly resemble what they started as. Or, you can start with regular standard wave shapes and customize them to your liking before sequencing. Or, you can import your own samples up to 10sec long (easy-peasy w/iOS11 Files App), slice them up, or use them as is with some fx.

    In short, you're not stuck in a 90's EDM sandbox at all. Those are just starting points as suggestions mainly.

    Glad I grabbed it on sale. It's a great value and I would definitely buy again knowing what I know now.

  • Slice mode is pretty cool. Automatically creates slices that are easy to adjust. Give it a try!

  • @db909 said:
    Just discovered the arpeggiator with its different modes makes for a great way to record percussion

    One thing about the arpeggiator is hanging me up. I’ve got a snare as a sound and it plays correctly if I enter it in as steps. But when I use the arpeggiator it sounds effected even though I don’t have any effects, modulation, or anything else in the chain. How do I just get a clean arpeggiator working the snare?

  • @SMKArtist said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff @samu and anyone - I don't think the manual explains the important part - how to SAVE a project - I might be wrong but if anyone knows?
    Thanks in advance

    @stormbeats Hit the write button saves your project. To name it hold shift Write. Then you have to hit write again to save the name you used. It's an Electribe carry over. Which reminds me...

    @jimpavloff , Hey, in your next update or two, can you set write to simply open up both the option to save and save the name as well in just one step? This two step process is a bit cumbersome. Thanks!

    cheers sorted

  • @RJB said:

    @db909 said:
    Just discovered the arpeggiator with its different modes makes for a great way to record percussion

    One thing about the arpeggiator is hanging me up. I’ve got a snare as a sound and it plays correctly if I enter it in as steps. But when I use the arpeggiator it sounds effected even though I don’t have any effects, modulation, or anything else in the chain. How do I just get a clean arpeggiator working the snare?

    It might be playing a different pitch than what you sequenced. Activate the scale along with the arpeggiator and then wiggle around to find the pitch you want. Once it’s there, you can go back to just the arpeggiator active and it will only play the snare at the pitch you selected. I’ll admit this is not clear at all and something i happened to figure out.

  • @anickt said:
    Slice mode is pretty cool. Automatically creates slices that are easy to adjust. Give it a try!

    After I import a sample in, GR auto slices into equal 16 parts. After I hit slices twice so that I can trim and change the pitch of each part slice... then write/save and go back to the sequencer, my slices are all back to the what they were upon import. If I then hit slice again, my trimmed/edited/adjusted slices are still there.

    How would you sequence the edited slices? I can play/record the edited slices into the pattern, but can you sequence the edited slices just like you can the unedited slices?

  • @skiphunt said:

    @anickt said:
    Slice mode is pretty cool. Automatically creates slices that are easy to adjust. Give it a try!

    After I import a sample in, GR auto slices into equal 16 parts. After I hit slices twice so that I can trim and change the pitch of each part slice... then write/save and go back to the sequencer, my slices are all back to the what they were upon import. If I then hit slice again, my trimmed/edited/adjusted slices are still there.

    How would you sequence the edited slices? I can play/record the edited slices into the pattern, but can you sequence the edited slices just like you can the unedited slices?

    Yes you can but I only did it once. I’ll have to review the process and get back to you.

  • @skiphunt said:

    @anickt said:
    Slice mode is pretty cool. Automatically creates slices that are easy to adjust. Give it a try!

    After I import a sample in, GR auto slices into equal 16 parts. After I hit slices twice so that I can trim and change the pitch of each part slice... then write/save and go back to the sequencer, my slices are all back to the what they were upon import. If I then hit slice again, my trimmed/edited/adjusted slices are still there.

    How would you sequence the edited slices? I can play/record the edited slices into the pattern, but can you sequence the edited slices just like you can the unedited slices?

    is there an option to slice different amounts - if its 16 only theres no room on pads for other sounds?

  • @db909 said:

    @RJB said:

    @db909 said:
    Just discovered the arpeggiator with its different modes makes for a great way to record percussion

    One thing about the arpeggiator is hanging me up. I’ve got a snare as a sound and it plays correctly if I enter it in as steps. But when I use the arpeggiator it sounds effected even though I don’t have any effects, modulation, or anything else in the chain. How do I just get a clean arpeggiator working the snare?

    It might be playing a different pitch than what you sequenced. Activate the scale along with the arpeggiator and then wiggle around to find the pitch you want. Once it’s there, you can go back to just the arpeggiator active and it will only play the snare at the pitch you selected. I’ll admit this is not clear at all and something i happened to figure out.

    Thanks for your help But still nor getting a clean arpeggiated sequence

  • Edit your slices, save the pattern, record with Slice lit, not blinking.

  • Does anyone know the purpose of adjusting the sample length in beats in the part menu? It goes up to 16 beats but samples can only be 10 secs so what’s the deal?

  • edited December 2017

    @anickt said:
    Edit your slices, save the pattern, record with Slice lit, not blinking.


    How would you sequence the edited slices? I can play/record the edited slices into the pattern, but can you sequence the edited slices just like you can the unedited slices?

    That’s what I was doing, ie recording the edited slices, but what I was wondering was if you can manually sequence the edited slices without having to record them so I can change the sequence if I want.

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