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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • edited December 2020

    @RajahP said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @yowza said:

    @espiegel123 said:

    @RajahP said:
    I guess CC out, song mode will be coming? Much to work with until .. App of the year..

    There is a song mode.

    According to the release notes, song mode is not in the AU at least not there currently. Only Jim would know if that’s coming.

    No, Song mode is not planned. It is safer to use Program Change for your daw projects to switch GR patterns.

    Thanks.. definitely need a video on how to do these things... for dummies like me.. Thanks for this great instrument..

    Only few DAWs (including the Imaginando LK matrix sequencer AUv3) support sending PC messages.
    But you can do this (and I find this much more intuitive than drawing a PC automation curve because you can see the pattern order at a glance):

    • Load Streambyter AUv3 as a MIDI effect plugin on your DAW track or apeMatrix grid or AUM track
    • Enter this in Streambyter's code area:
    IF M0 == 90
      MAT L0 = M1 - 30   # 30 is a Note offset to make C2 in LK send PC number 00
      SND C0 L0    # On C0=Channel 1, send PC value from L0
    80 XX = XX +B`  # Block Note Off messages, they're not needed here
    • Make sure Streambyter receives MIDI from LK or your DAW MIDI track
    • Make sure your GR16 AUv3 instance receives MIDI from Streambyter only.

    From now on, each note starting at C2 in LK's piano roll will send a PC 0 message, C#2 will send PC 1, D2 will send PC 2 etc.
    This works well as a song arranger because LK can have pattern lengths high enough to arrange a full song this way.

    BTW, the fun side effect of using LK this way is that each clip is one song so you can have all your GR16 songs in one LK project.

  • i cant stay away from this now! auv3 and multi out for gr16 is the best!!

  • @rs2000 said:

    @RajahP said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @yowza said:

    @espiegel123 said:

    @RajahP said:
    I guess CC out, song mode will be coming? Much to work with until .. App of the year..

    There is a song mode.

    According to the release notes, song mode is not in the AU at least not there currently. Only Jim would know if that’s coming.

    No, Song mode is not planned. It is safer to use Program Change for your daw projects to switch GR patterns.

    Thanks.. definitely need a video on how to do these things... for dummies like me.. Thanks for this great instrument..

    Only few DAWs (including the Imaginando LK matrix sequencer AUv3) support sending PC messages.
    But you can do this (and I find this much more intuitive than drawing a PC automation curve because you can see the pattern order at a glance):

    • Load Streambyter AUv3 as a MIDI effect plugin on your DAW track or apeMatrix grid or AUM track
    • Enter this in Streambyter's code area:
    IF M0 == 90
      MAT L0 = M1 - 30   # 30 is a Note offset to make C2 in LK send PC number 00
      SND C0 L0    # On C0=Channel 1, send PC value from L0
    80 XX = XX +B`  # Block Note Off messages, they're not needed here
    • Make sure Streambyter receives MIDI from LK or your DAW MIDI track
    • Make sure your GR16 AUv3 instance receives MIDI from Streambyter only.

    From now on, each note starting at C2 in LK's piano roll will send a PC 0 message, C#2 will send PC 1, D2 will send PC 2 etc.
    This works well as a song arranger because LK can have pattern lengths high enough to arrange a full song this way.

    BTW, the fun side effect of using LK this way is that each clip is one song so you can have all your GR16 songs in one LK project.

    Thanks, it works great. Is it possible to change the bank ? I can only trig the "user 1" bank

  • @rs2000 said:

    @RajahP said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @yowza said:

    @espiegel123 said:

    @RajahP said:
    I guess CC out, song mode will be coming? Much to work with until .. App of the year..

    There is a song mode.

    According to the release notes, song mode is not in the AU at least not there currently. Only Jim would know if that’s coming.

    No, Song mode is not planned. It is safer to use Program Change for your daw projects to switch GR patterns.

    Thanks.. definitely need a video on how to do these things... for dummies like me.. Thanks for this great instrument..

    Only few DAWs (including the Imaginando LK matrix sequencer AUv3) support sending PC messages.
    But you can do this (and I find this much more intuitive than drawing a PC automation curve because you can see the pattern order at a glance):

    • Load Streambyter AUv3 as a MIDI effect plugin on your DAW track or apeMatrix grid or AUM track
    • Enter this in Streambyter's code area:
    IF M0 == 90
      MAT L0 = M1 - 30   # 30 is a Note offset to make C2 in LK send PC number 00
      SND C0 L0    # On C0=Channel 1, send PC value from L0
    80 XX = XX +B`  # Block Note Off messages, they're not needed here
    • Make sure Streambyter receives MIDI from LK or your DAW MIDI track
    • Make sure your GR16 AUv3 instance receives MIDI from Streambyter only.

    From now on, each note starting at C2 in LK's piano roll will send a PC 0 message, C#2 will send PC 1, D2 will send PC 2 etc.
    This works well as a song arranger because LK can have pattern lengths high enough to arrange a full song this way.

    BTW, the fun side effect of using LK this way is that each clip is one song so you can have all your GR16 songs in one LK project.

    Thanks.. will have to come back at this...

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff thanks for adding the multiouts. Not sure if its my error but after I multi routed (bus) several parts to AUM I then saved the Gr16 project (Write) button & AUM project. When I reload the GR16 project the Gr16 multi outs are not saved and all parts are back to Master out. I also tried Save to New and same issue. Any tips?

    That's definitely a bug, which appeared at some stage, I'll find out. Meanwhile, you can use Menu->Settings->Save Bus Assignment to save assignment as default. At least it works for now

    thank you for this solution

  • @cuscolima said:
    Thanks, it works great. Is it possible to change the bank ? I can only trig the "user 1" bank

    I'm not sure how to do it in Streambyter without more investigation than I have time for right now, but for User 2 bank you have to send Bank Select 1 (User 1 is Bank Select 0).

    Bank select is CC 0. So, you would need to first send CC0, value 1, then send the program change message (0-128) within that bank.

  • @rs2000 said:

    @wim said:

    @s2ale said:
    I only see my user sample library in the IAA version, in AUv3 it's empty and I can only import samples one file at a time. Is anyone else having this issue? Any advice would be appreciated, I've been dreaming of multi out Groove Rider for years

    You can import folders. In fact, you can import the On My Device > Groove Rider folder in one go if you like. It shouldn’t take additional physical storage on your device due to the way iOS handles files.

    It’s not great though because you can only import folders at the top level. You can’t drill into a folder and import from there. I’m not sure why the storage options are the way they are. I think it has to do with limits on how AUs can access files.

    It should be possible to share the same data but I remember Giku from beepstreet once saying something like it's either Files support or data shared between standalone and AUv3.
    @jimpavloff What's the deal regarding this subject?

    AU's can't have access to the main app's Documents folder in iOS. That's why I made a separate folder for AU samples, while left Documents intact for the standalone. So, if you import file from elsewhere into standalone, it takes disk space. If you import this file into AU, it takes disk space again. If you use this sample in at least one of your patterns, it takes disk space again.

    You can also copy sample files from standalone to AU by swiping left on a file in the standalone browser and select "Copy to AU" from popup.

  • i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

  • @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

  • edited December 2020

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

  • @yowza said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

    @Carnbot said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

    ahh man :( that’s not what i wanted to hear folks! i don’t have midi controller to send pc or really want to have to try to route all that mess and remember. but hey this au is amazers

  • @reasOne said:

    @yowza said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

    @Carnbot said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

    ahh man :( that’s not what i wanted to hear folks! i don’t have midi controller to send pc or really want to have to try to route all that mess and remember. but hey this au is amazers

    you don't need a midi controller to send PC. A few posts up is a StreamByter script that you can use to convert notes to PC messages.

  • @espiegel123 said:

    @reasOne said:

    @yowza said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

    @Carnbot said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

    ahh man :( that’s not what i wanted to hear folks! i don’t have midi controller to send pc or really want to have to try to route all that mess and remember. but hey this au is amazers

    you don't need a midi controller to send PC. A few posts up is a StreamByter script that you can use to convert notes to PC messages.

    thanks man i’ll look into it ...even tho i hate going back into aum sessions months later trying to recall everything going on, looks to be the only option heehe so it’ll have to do it

  • @reasOne said:

    @yowza said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

    @Carnbot said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

    ahh man :( that’s not what i wanted to hear folks! i don’t have midi controller to send pc or really want to have to try to route all that mess and remember. but hey this au is amazers

    Mind you, that workaround is only for people refusing to use a "real DAW" 😅
    Load GR16 instances in Audio Evolution and simply place Program Changes inside the piano roll. Done.

  • edited December 2020

    Anyone else having issues saving Bus routing for multi-out in AUM? 13.6 iPad Pro 9.7 here.

    Mine keeps reverting to Master output when I re-open projects. :/

  • @rs2000 said:

    @reasOne said:

    @yowza said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

    @Carnbot said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

    ahh man :( that’s not what i wanted to hear folks! i don’t have midi controller to send pc or really want to have to try to route all that mess and remember. but hey this au is amazers

    Mind you, that workaround is only for people refusing to use a "real DAW" 😅
    Load GR16 instances in Audio Evolution and simply place Program Changes inside the piano roll. Done.

    a real doll? 😂
    ugh but i love my aum lol

  • @auxmux said:
    Anyone else having issues saving Bus routing for multi-out in AUM? 13.6 iPad Pro 9.7 here.

    Mine keeps reverting to Master output when I re-open projects. :/

    you have to go into settings and save the multi out bus

  • Thanks dude, that worked. But that's universal for all future projects?

  • wimwim
    edited December 2020

    @jimpavloff said:

    @rs2000 said:

    @wim said:

    @s2ale said:
    I only see my user sample library in the IAA version, in AUv3 it's empty and I can only import samples one file at a time. Is anyone else having this issue? Any advice would be appreciated, I've been dreaming of multi out Groove Rider for years

    You can import folders. In fact, you can import the On My Device > Groove Rider folder in one go if you like. It shouldn’t take additional physical storage on your device due to the way iOS handles files.

    It’s not great though because you can only import folders at the top level. You can’t drill into a folder and import from there. I’m not sure why the storage options are the way they are. I think it has to do with limits on how AUs can access files.

    It should be possible to share the same data but I remember Giku from beepstreet once saying something like it's either Files support or data shared between standalone and AUv3.
    @jimpavloff What's the deal regarding this subject?

    AU's can't have access to the main app's Documents folder in iOS. That's why I made a separate folder for AU samples, while left Documents intact for the standalone. So, if you import file from elsewhere into standalone, it takes disk space. If you import this file into AU, it takes disk space again. If you use this sample in at least one of your patterns, it takes disk space again.

    You can also copy sample files from standalone to AU by swiping left on a file in the standalone browser and select "Copy to AU" from popup.

    I'm not so sure that's correct about the actual physical storage increase, even though it looks like there are multiple copies:

    But maybe there's something you're doing that negates the apfs economy of storage.

    I guess, the bottom line is though, one should pick one version (AU or Standalone) and stick with it.

  • This is now on sale. If you don’t have it I can recommend treating yourself! Even if you just use it as a drum machine, it has some of the best samples in that I’ve heard on iOS.

  • @reasOne said:

    @rs2000 said:

    @reasOne said:

    @yowza said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    Song mode is not in the AU.

    @Carnbot said:

    @reasOne said:
    i haven’t tried song mode yet... but i hope it works good so i can play a full gr16 auv3 song session with the rest of my aum sequences! this app is making my xmas

    I think song mode is one of the few things not included in the AU version.

    ahh man :( that’s not what i wanted to hear folks! i don’t have midi controller to send pc or really want to have to try to route all that mess and remember. but hey this au is amazers

    Mind you, that workaround is only for people refusing to use a "real DAW" 😅
    Load GR16 instances in Audio Evolution and simply place Program Changes inside the piano roll. Done.

    a real doll? 😂
    ugh but i love my aum lol

    I’ve not tried it but you could use LK to sequence Program changes, naming clips and scenes as Gr16 patterns. :)
    I think this would be better for me than using the built in song mode after setting it up.

  • edited December 2020

    @jimpavloff I think there is another bug when using AU multi outs Jim. The AMP EG settings (Attack) etc are not saved (Write) within GR16 when I re open saved projects. Tested in AUM. The AMP EG is saved ok when saving via AUMs save option though Also no rush but as others have asked will it be possible to add song/chain mode in AU version?

  • @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff I think there is another bug when using AU multi outs Jim. The AMP EG settings (Attack) etc are not saved (Write) within GR16 when I re open saved projects. Tested in AUM. The AMP EG is saved ok when saving via AUMs save option though Also no rush but as others have asked will it be possible to add song/chain mode in AU version?

    The song mode question was answered up-thread: song mode not coming, send program changes from the sequencer of your choice when using AU. Someone also posted a script to convert notes to program changes messages.

  • edited December 2020

    @espiegel123 said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavloff I think there is another bug when using AU multi outs Jim. The AMP EG settings (Attack) etc are not saved (Write) within GR16 when I re open saved projects. Tested in AUM. The AMP EG is saved ok when saving via AUMs save option though Also no rush but as others have asked will it be possible to add song/chain mode in AU version?

    The song mode question was answered up-thread: song mode not coming, send program changes from the sequencer of your choice when using AU. Someone also posted a script to convert notes to program changes messages.

    Actually, he said, ‘it was not planned’..
    What about CC messages being sent (I think that’s what it’s called) to send automation for filters, etc. etc. seems to work well as iaa?

  • I purchased... The trigger options page of the manual was enough to make me need to explore it further. I think I might need to print out the PDF

  • Just been playing about with this in AUM a bit more. Am I right in thinking that you can save one pattern to the auv3 in the session (AU:unit) but additional patterns have to be saved into the user banks in GR-16?
    Or can you save more than one pattern to the AU session?

  • @gregsmith said:
    Just been playing about with this in AUM a bit more. Am I right in thinking that you can save one pattern to the auv3 in the session (AU:unit) but additional patterns have to be saved into the user banks in GR-16?
    Or can you save more than one pattern to the AU session?

    Been puzzling over that one myself and haven't been able to figure it out.

  • @wim said:

    @gregsmith said:
    Just been playing about with this in AUM a bit more. Am I right in thinking that you can save one pattern to the auv3 in the session (AU:unit) but additional patterns have to be saved into the user banks in GR-16?
    Or can you save more than one pattern to the AU session?

    Been puzzling over that one myself and haven't been able to figure it out.

    The only thing that worked for me was saving to User Banks. I wish patterns weren't presets, and each preset supported multiple patterns, but I guess that's how Electribes work?

  • @auxmux said:

    @wim said:

    @gregsmith said:
    Just been playing about with this in AUM a bit more. Am I right in thinking that you can save one pattern to the auv3 in the session (AU:unit) but additional patterns have to be saved into the user banks in GR-16?
    Or can you save more than one pattern to the AU session?

    Been puzzling over that one myself and haven't been able to figure it out.

    The only thing that worked for me was saving to User Banks. I wish patterns weren't presets, and each preset supported multiple patterns, but I guess that's how Electribes work?


  • @rs2000 said:

    @auxmux said:

    @wim said:

    @gregsmith said:
    Just been playing about with this in AUM a bit more. Am I right in thinking that you can save one pattern to the auv3 in the session (AU:unit) but additional patterns have to be saved into the user banks in GR-16?
    Or can you save more than one pattern to the AU session?

    Been puzzling over that one myself and haven't been able to figure it out.

    The only thing that worked for me was saving to User Banks. I wish patterns weren't presets, and each preset supported multiple patterns, but I guess that's how Electribes work?


    It seems ‘presets’ in gr-16 are the oscillator sounds.

    I think @auxmux is referring to patterns only holding one pattern rather than a parent ‘preset’ that can hold multiple patterns.

    Perhaps @jimpavloff can put us out of our misery? Can the ‘Auv3’ pattern bank hold more than one pattern?

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