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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

Download on the App Store

Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • @pfrf said:
    Thanks for the update! MIDI in! 24 bit export! Fantastic.
    People who understand and love electribes will love this app. To me they are the most intuitive performance boxes ever. I’m grateful to Jim for sticking to the paradigm.

    If you think this app, or electribes in general, are limiting (or only good for making short loops) check out YouTube videos by user danielklerr to see what kind of amazing stuff can be done:
    Take a look at some of the suggested videos that appear on the right. So many cool tips and tricks. This guy knows his instrument.

    Almost any piece of gear can make good music ;) Nothing wrong with creative limitations or focused UI. My point was that electribe mk2's aren't exactly top of the tree in terms of functionality to aspire toward, even when they first were released. Which is fine cos they're cheap. And as those vids show, theres plenty you can do with them if you pull the best out of it.

    But things like small file browser/fiddly note editing etc aren't aspects that I'd judge to merit vehemently replicating given the screen real estate of an ipad. Mimicking/not improving those compromised hardware aspects just feels kinda stubborn and needlessly 'cut your nose to spite your face' imo... Each to their own tho.

  • @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me.

  • @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    But, your tone and enormous list of complains is making a lot of us others lovers sad...

    The developer of Groove Rider GR-16 has made an incredible work with this app, and, you complain just like you just have paid $200 for this instead of just ten bucks...

    This is iOS, not yet 100% perfect, but, in the near future when apps is in $200 pricetag, come back and complain and wining like a spolied child...

  • Before the update, if I edited all 16 of my sample slices, I couldn’t sequence them. Only play/record them while in slice mode.

    Has that changed with the update?

  • @skiphunt said:
    Before the update, if I edited all 16 of my sample slices, I couldn’t sequence them. Only play/record them while in slice mode.

    Has that changed with the update?

    I have the same problem...
    After the slice is done, what to do to lay out the 16 sliced sounds on each pad?
    It may be described in the manual...? ;-)

  • edited December 2017

    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @skiphunt said:
    Before the update, if I edited all 16 of my sample slices, I couldn’t sequence them. Only play/record them while in slice mode.

    Has that changed with the update?

    I have the same problem...
    After the slice is done, what to do to lay out the 16 sliced sounds on each pad?
    It may be described in the manual...? ;-)

    apparently you press SLICE BUTTON again then each pad will expand to the other pads for sequencing-I've not tested as yet
    @jimpavloff Tutorial videos needed. Just a few

  • @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me..
    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    But, your tone and enormous list of complains is making a lot of us others lovers sad...

    The developer of Groove Rider GR-16 has made an incredible work with this app, and, you complain just like you just have paid $200 for this instead of just ten bucks...

    This is iOS, not yet 100% perfect, but, in the near future when apps is in $200 pricetag, come back and complain and wining like a spolied child...

    WTF? 'spoiled child'. For real? No need to cast that kind of judgement dude. You don't know me.

    You have confused 'suggestions for improvement' with whining entitlement.

    You are aware that there's a whole world outside of iPad yeah? Organelle patches for example are FREE. Devs work hard on them nonetheless. And people still make suggestions for improvement and everyone's cool with it. Without the weird over-protective nonsense this thread is littered with. Someone recently mimic'd a bunch of pedals for organelle which would have cost £1000+ in hardware... For free. And still accepted suggestions and feedback... And don't get me started on VCV rack in terms of being the opposite of free/cheap = be content and shut up. People are brainstorming to develop it as far as possible.

    Finding flaws and striving for improvement is how things advance....nothing wrong with that as long as it's done with consideration and optimism.

  • @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me.

    No offense but things like adding a 2nd params page (accommodating stuff like retrig/roll, 2nd lfo, oscilloscope display being replaced by deeper fx params display, filter ADSR envelope etc..) and making the browser/note edit views expandable and adding some extra fx and simple 'timestrech on/off' etc would still make this app nothing at all like BM3/Cubasis/gadget. That's like saying an electribe is a groovebox but an Octatrack is the same as Pro Tools. Sorry but that's nonsense....

    I guess you can look at it two ways -

    1 - leave it as it is and users that are looking for slightly deeper sound design and more convenient editing workflow just avoid it.....Which equals lost sales for dev and missed potential.

    2 - Add a little extra depth/functions on a 2nd params page. Make browser and note edit pages expandable (these are all things that currently contented users can choose to totally ignore and have zero impact on the app) and power users can dig in whilst basic users have their experience un-altered. Appeal to both types of user = more hype/more sales.

    Pretty sure the latter makes more sense for both dev and users? Just my opinion though..

  • @Sygma said:

    @MonzoPro said:
    Is there a good getting started guide for idiots anywhere? The idiot here needs a jump-start.

    Yes, here :

    Cheers. More after a step-by-step tutorial of the basics, than a list of functions, but I’ll keep the link handy for when I’m up and running.

    @skiphunt said:

    @MonzoPro said:
    Is there a good getting started guide for idiots anywhere? The idiot here needs a jump-start.

    A bit of advice that was simple but really tripped me up in the beginning more than it should have... Get used to the way the navigation works in conjunction with the use of the shift button.


    Thanks, yeah I missed that too. I’ll watch Doug’s vid again, he goes through a few of the basics.

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @db909 said:
    Also, I dunno bout you guys, but while I certainly don’t require it, @jimpavloff you have my money for any IAP instrument and/or sample packs in the future if you ever put some together

    +1. We'll see if somebody else needs it. Is there some specific music styles you would recommend?

    Best of Poison-202 presets sample pack... at least that's what I'm currently working on.

  • @ErrkaPetti said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Bought this on the back of the hype on this forum. Struggling to see what the fuss is about tbh. Yeah it's fun to sketch ideas out on and fast at what it does, but that's because in many areas its crippled to the point where it feels like a toy.

    No piano roll editor. Editing anything polyphonic and/or complex is insanely tedious. Find the notes. Delete the notes. Find the new notes. Ugh... What year is this? What size screen am I looking at!?? Please add an expand piano view option for modern note editing convenience/speed. .

    No sampling. On a sample groove box. In ios which as a platform is like pulling teeth in terms of shuffling files around. Ugh...

    10 sec sample length limit. In 2017.

    Idiot proof fx. I read '32 insert fx' and thought, 'this is going to be fun!'. In reality that should read approx 10 fx. Most of the fx are variations laid out to compensate for the app having almost zero user tweakability in the fx. One knob. So I can't even set a Delay's time/feedback/wet&dry independently. Or automate these independently. I realise the dev wants to keep it simple and reminiscent of hardware, thats admirable, but I don't have ANY hardware that doesn't at least allow 3 x params for tuning for fx (sp404..... Probably the most basic in terms of dialling in fx). There needs to be options to fine tune fx params. Maybe click 'effects' along the top and then the oscilloscope is replaced by fx params?Dunno... Something really needs to be done tho.

    Tiny browser window. Ugh. It isn't a REAL Korg es2 or Elektron box. So why make it equally as annoying to browse samples on? Please, an 'expand' button for full screen browsing. Again, this is 2017 and the iPad with a huge screen. Browsing is one of the things that an iPad should be able to destroy hardware equivalents with tiny screens... This app is going to be a nightmare to browse through a decent sample library in its current state.

    No nested folders. In 2017. On a platform that has ton of storage and decent size screen. Ugh..

    No re-trig/roll param... Needs a 2nd page of params.
    No filter envelope... Needs a 2nd page of params.
    Only one lfo per Part... Needs a 2nd page of params.

    No time strech option to allow a sample to be played chromatically as an instrument and keep its true length on all notes. In 2017. On an iPad.. Ugh. Even my microsampler does this..

    No spring reverb in the insert fx.

    Only one insert fx per Part. Can live with this if resampling arrives. But still, a ridiculous limitation in 2017. Should have 2 insert fx per Part, minimum. Again, this should be on a 2nd params page.

    No stereo samples. Super weird limitation for an iPad app. Can live with it but still... I hope for at least the option to export separate track stems in stereo (otherwise dialling in/performing with half the fx types etc are going to be a waste of time and unable to export to mix properly..)

    No Pad latch. For ambient loops etc.

    No option for filter to be pre/post insert fx.

    No arpeggio latch.

    No AUv3.

    So yeah.... That's just the main issues I had during day one. On top of that there is a ton of menu diving throughout a session. It's not as fast as people are making it out to be. A lot of stuff is buried. A 2nd params page full of currently missing functionality and button shortcuts for the main shortcuts people hit in a session (metronome, quantise settings etc) would smooth it out an make it feel much more 'pro' or like using hardware.

    For the intro price of £10 its pretty good and fun to mess with. No chance I'd pay £20 for this app tho... It's missing too much depth from the hardware equivalents that it's based on. It's definitely promising but misses the mark in its current 'idiot proof' and slightly OVER-simplified state.

    Everything I've mentioned can be addressed without detracting from the 'fast workflow/hardware vibe'. Hopefully some serious updates arrive in future...

    This may not be the app for you. If you were thinking of buying the Hardware that inspired the GR-16, DON'T. If you think this app is limited, the Hardware is way worse.

    What you are describing as far as your needs is DAW type system, which GR-16 is not. Korg Gadget would be your best bet. Gadget is my tool of choice. What GR-16 is good for is creating short 1 to 4 bar melodies and beats to export out and use for your DAW, like Gadget or Garage Band.

    But I do agree with one thing you pointed out: "No time strech option to allow a sample to be played chromatically as an instrument and keep its true length on all notes"

    @jimpavloff She's right about this part, TIME STRETCH, dude! It's a "Have Too". Electribes do a little time stretch. You can do it better!

    Hmmm... How can you know that @Iostress is a she?

    Thats a good question...I'll go with 'Zee' or 'They' next time. Maybe it was the pink in the avatar that threw me.

  • edited December 2017

    @Iostress said:

    @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me..
    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    But, your tone and enormous list of complains is making a lot of us others lovers sad...

    The developer of Groove Rider GR-16 has made an incredible work with this app, and, you complain just like you just have paid $200 for this instead of just ten bucks...

    This is iOS, not yet 100% perfect, but, in the near future when apps is in $200 pricetag, come back and complain and wining like a spolied child...

    WTF? 'spoiled child'. For real? No need to cast that kind of judgement dude. You don't know me.

    You have confused 'suggestions for improvement' with whining entitlement.

    You are aware that there's a whole world outside of iPad yeah? Organelle patches for example are FREE. Devs work hard on them nonetheless. And people still make suggestions for improvement and everyone's cool with it. Without the weird over-protective nonsense this thread is littered with. Someone recently mimic'd a bunch of pedals for organelle which would have cost £1000+ in hardware... For free. And still accepted suggestions and feedback... And don't get me started on VCV rack in terms of being the opposite of free/cheap = be content and shut up. People are brainstorming to develop it as far as possible.

    Finding flaws and striving for improvement is how things advance....nothing wrong with that as long as it's done with consideration and optimism.

    @lostress Well why dont you code an app then and call it "Lo Fi Stress" I suggested a couple things as with other users - one week in and @jimpavloff has sorted it - impressive

  • @stormbeats said:

    @Iostress said:

    @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me..
    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    But, your tone and enormous list of complains is making a lot of us others lovers sad...

    The developer of Groove Rider GR-16 has made an incredible work with this app, and, you complain just like you just have paid $200 for this instead of just ten bucks...

    This is iOS, not yet 100% perfect, but, in the near future when apps is in $200 pricetag, come back and complain and wining like a spolied child...

    WTF? 'spoiled child'. For real? No need to cast that kind of judgement dude. You don't know me.

    You have confused 'suggestions for improvement' with whining entitlement.

    You are aware that there's a whole world outside of iPad yeah? Organelle patches for example are FREE. Devs work hard on them nonetheless. And people still make suggestions for improvement and everyone's cool with it. Without the weird over-protective nonsense this thread is littered with. Someone recently mimic'd a bunch of pedals for organelle which would have cost £1000+ in hardware... For free. And still accepted suggestions and feedback... And don't get me started on VCV rack in terms of being the opposite of free/cheap = be content and shut up. People are brainstorming to develop it as far as possible.

    Finding flaws and striving for improvement is how things advance....nothing wrong with that as long as it's done with consideration and optimism.

    @lostress Well why dont you code an app then and call it "Lo Fi Stress"

    @Iostress said:

    @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me.

    No offense but things like adding a 2nd params page (accommodating stuff like retrig/roll, 2nd lfo, oscilloscope display being replaced by deeper fx params display, filter ADSR envelope etc..) and making the browser/note edit views expandable and adding some extra fx and simple 'timestrech on/off' etc would still make this app nothing at all like BM3/Cubasis/gadget. That's like saying an electribe is a groovebox but an Octatrack is the same as Pro Tools. Sorry but that's nonsense....

    I guess you can look at it two ways -

    1 - leave it as it is and users that are looking for slightly deeper sound design and more convenient editing workflow just avoid it.....Which equals lost sales for dev and missed potential.

    2 - Add a little extra depth/functions on a 2nd params page. Make browser and note edit pages expandable (these are all things that currently contented users can choose to totally ignore and have zero impact on the app) and power users can dig in whilst basic users have their experience un-altered. Appeal to both types of user = more hype/more sales.

    Pretty sure the latter makes more sense for both dev and users? Just my opinion though..

    Give the dev a chance - it's only been a week

  • edited December 2017


  • @ExAsperis99 said:
    There’s two ways you can read that handle. One, with the feminine suffix – “ess” — it seems to refer to woman who tends to get lost?

    This what I was thinking...then I later read "lo" "stress". Let me guess more responses to me regarding my misgendering someone who'm I have never seen? Hell for all I know, some you all with masculine sounding names might actually be women.

    My minor error was really more about "hope". "hope" that there were more women in this art form.

  • @stormbeats said:

    @stormbeats said:

    @Iostress said:

    @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me..
    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    But, your tone and enormous list of complains is making a lot of us others lovers sad...

    The developer of Groove Rider GR-16 has made an incredible work with this app, and, you complain just like you just have paid $200 for this instead of just ten bucks...

    This is iOS, not yet 100% perfect, but, in the near future when apps is in $200 pricetag, come back and complain and wining like a spolied child...

    WTF? 'spoiled child'. For real? No need to cast that kind of judgement dude. You don't know me.

    You have confused 'suggestions for improvement' with whining entitlement.

    You are aware that there's a whole world outside of iPad yeah? Organelle patches for example are FREE. Devs work hard on them nonetheless. And people still make suggestions for improvement and everyone's cool with it. Without the weird over-protective nonsense this thread is littered with. Someone recently mimic'd a bunch of pedals for organelle which would have cost £1000+ in hardware... For free. And still accepted suggestions and feedback... And don't get me started on VCV rack in terms of being the opposite of free/cheap = be content and shut up. People are brainstorming to develop it as far as possible.

    Finding flaws and striving for improvement is how things advance....nothing wrong with that as long as it's done with consideration and optimism.

    @lostress Well why dont you code an app then and call it "Lo Fi Stress"

    @Iostress said:

    @wim said:

    @Iostress said:
    Wasn't intending to be confrontational. Just got greeted with some weird super defensive/condescending responses to my first posts here. Like this app is beyond criticism or improvement or something... A lot of people criticise the hardware electribes a fair bit so...

    I guess my main disappointment/issue was it advertising '32 effects'....That's not really true compared to other hardware or other apps' definition of what a separate effect type is. Would be cool if dev can open up the effects for deeper dialling...

    And my other requests were pretty solid too imho...

    Guess we'll see how far the dev wants to refine it or just settle as is...

    @Iostress - hope I don’t piss you off saying this, but I had a tough time wading through all the snark in your OP. You had great points, but weakened it with all the sarcasm. Unfortunately we all tend to take the bait - thus the backlash. Respect for taking the time to send such specific feedback though.

    That said, I can’t help feeling that you’re looking for more out of this than the target audience is. Reading your description, I honestly don’t think I’d be attracted to that product, at least not in light of all the rest I have available. If I want something deep like you describe I’m gonna pull out Gadget, BM3 or something.

    If I just want to jam or maybe perform on something GR scratches that itch. I hope it gets a few refinements here and there, but essentially, I hope @jimpavloff keeps this true to its spirit and current form without a lot of feature bloat. It isn’t going to be for everyone, but it sure is for me.

    No offense but things like adding a 2nd params page (accommodating stuff like retrig/roll, 2nd lfo, oscilloscope display being replaced by deeper fx params display, filter ADSR envelope etc..) and making the browser/note edit views expandable and adding some extra fx and simple 'timestrech on/off' etc would still make this app nothing at all like BM3/Cubasis/gadget. That's like saying an electribe is a groovebox but an Octatrack is the same as Pro Tools. Sorry but that's nonsense....

    I guess you can look at it two ways -

    1 - leave it as it is and users that are looking for slightly deeper sound design and more convenient editing workflow just avoid it.....Which equals lost sales for dev and missed potential.

    2 - Add a little extra depth/functions on a 2nd params page. Make browser and note edit pages expandable (these are all things that currently contented users can choose to totally ignore and have zero impact on the app) and power users can dig in whilst basic users have their experience un-altered. Appeal to both types of user = more hype/more sales.

    Pretty sure the latter makes more sense for both dev and users? Just my opinion though..

    Give the dev a chance - it's only been a week

    I never demanded anything ;) just voiced my impressions of the app. Same as everyone else has. Then i got ganged on for being in the minority that doesn't feel like it's quite up to the hype yet... Pretty strange production forum!?

  • edited December 2017

    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

  • @stormbeats said:

    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @skiphunt said:
    Before the update, if I edited all 16 of my sample slices, I couldn’t sequence them. Only play/record them while in slice mode.

    Has that changed with the update?

    I have the same problem...
    After the slice is done, what to do to lay out the 16 sliced sounds on each pad?
    It may be described in the manual...? ;-)

    apparently you press SLICE BUTTON again then each pad will expand to the other pads for sequencing-I've not tested as yet
    @jimpavloff Tutorial videos needed. Just a few

    I was at a coffee shop on my iPhone... it's just an SE small screen so I didn't want to go through all the hassle of trying it out for myself until I got back to the iPad. It sounds like might now be sequence-able after slice editing by the sound of this. Hope so! Love that you can edit each slice, but would prefer to be able to sequence the edited slices rather than only play/record in slice mode as before.

    The update description reads like it's been made to work as I was hoping for though. :)

  • @Iostress said:
    IOS. IO-STRESS. As in stressful platform. Obvs. Nothing better to concern selves with than my gender? Kinda weird....

    Exactly! I could be a total "funny guy" and make a blanket statement assuming we got a bunch of PC / Tandy / Ham operators on this thread, all excited about a new iOS file system no other iPad musician is that remotely interested in. It's just the right personality type that is so concerned with me taking a wild guess on your gender.

    So did I make a mistake or has my guess started a ripple effect outing those who might be uncomfortable that a "Girrrrrl" might be making great beat music along side them?

  • @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    IOS. IO-STRESS. As in stressful platform. Obvs. Nothing better to concern selves with than my gender? Kinda weird....

    Exactly! I could be a total "funny guy" and make a blanket statement assuming we got a bunch of PC / Tandy / Ham operators on this thread, all excited about a new iOS file system no other iPad musician is that remotely interested in. It's just the right personality type that is so concerned with me taking a wild guess on your gender.

    So did I make a mistake or has my guess started a ripple effect outing those who might be uncomfortable that a "Girrrrrl" might be making great beat music along side them?

    @lostress whether your male and female or male or female you live up to your name - now walk proud and make stress

  • @ExAsperis99 said:

    @Iostress said:
    IOS. IO-STRESS. As in stressful platform. Obvs. Nothing better to concern selves with than my gender? Kinda weird....

    Hey man, no need to pick a fight with everybody! we’re just shooting the shit as if we were in a bar. your comments I thought were valid, although they definitely are not in the measured, non-confrontational tone you usually see on these forums.

    Ahhhh @Iostress was not picking a fight...they are as surprised as I am to have seen that the last FIVE comments to ME was about my original gender guess.

  • @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

  • @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

    Thanks for info. Cool, I haven't got Poison but sounds like it will maybe make sense to cop it at some point.

    Does poison support sample based patches too and have sample patch param settings that would translate to GR-16? That's where I've been having most fun with sounds on GR16, with samples and the basic sound design... They're the sounds I'd most like to save as patches for future browsing/loading.

    Seems like it should be possible inside the app tho really? For sample patches at least? Without necessity to buy Poison? Tho I realise that purchase will also make sense due to being able to dial in deeper synth based patch settings.

  • edited December 2017

    @Iostress said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

    Thanks for info. Cool, I haven't got Poison but sounds like it will maybe make sense to cop it at some point.

    Does poison support sample based patches too and have sample patch param settings that would translate to GR-16? That's where I've been having most fun with sounds on GR16, with samples and the basic sound design... They're the sounds I'd most like to save as patches for future browsing/loading.

    Seems like it should be possible inside the app tho really? For sample patches at least? Without necessity to buy Poison? Tho I realise that purchase will also make sense due to being able to dial in deeper synth based patch settings.

    @lostress Poison is a straight synth, no samples, no sampling! Also this feature for Poison has only been discussed. No word as to when Jim will be able to get to it. Unless you see Poison on sale or unless you just really like the sounds you hear on Youtube Poison reviews, wait till Jim does implement this new feature.

  • @Iostress said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

    Thanks for info. Cool, I haven't got Poison but sounds like it will maybe make sense to cop it at some point.

    Does poison support sample based patches too and have sample patch param settings that would translate to GR-16? That's where I've been having most fun with sounds on GR16, with samples and the basic sound design... They're the sounds I'd most like to save as patches for future browsing/loading.

    Seems like it should be possible inside the app tho really? For sample patches at least? Without necessity to buy Poison? Tho I realise that purchase will also make sense due to being able to dial in deeper synth based patch settings.

    Saving the sound patches inside GR is planned and already in development. No need in buying Poison for this. Besides, as I mentioned somewhere above, Poison and GR are based on the same engine, but they are NOT cross-compatible. GR has totally different parameter structure. Most of Poison's parameters were ripped away to simplify and speed-up the engine and limit the spectrum of possible sounds to a good range of sounds for most needs, giving a user an ability to more easily achieve a working sound he can already use, in comparison to Poison-202.

  • @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

    Thanks for info. Cool, I haven't got Poison but sounds like it will maybe make sense to cop it at some point.

    Does poison support sample based patches too and have sample patch param settings that would translate to GR-16? That's where I've been having most fun with sounds on GR16, with samples and the basic sound design... They're the sounds I'd most like to save as patches for future browsing/loading.

    Seems like it should be possible inside the app tho really? For sample patches at least? Without necessity to buy Poison? Tho I realise that purchase will also make sense due to being able to dial in deeper synth based patch settings.

    @lostress Poison is a straight synth, no samples, no sampling! Also this feature for Poison has only been discussed. No word as to when Jim will be able to get to it. Unless you see Poison on sale or unless you just really like the sounds you hear on Youtube Poison reviews, wait till Jim does implement this new feature.

    Cool, thnx for heads up.

  • Saving the sound patches inside GR is planned and already in development.<

    Thanks for info @jimpavloff
    Will be cool to see this functionality arrive when you get the chance to implement it :)

  • @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

    Thanks for info. Cool, I haven't got Poison but sounds like it will maybe make sense to cop it at some point.

    Does poison support sample based patches too and have sample patch param settings that would translate to GR-16? That's where I've been having most fun with sounds on GR16, with samples and the basic sound design... They're the sounds I'd most like to save as patches for future browsing/loading.

    Seems like it should be possible inside the app tho really? For sample patches at least? Without necessity to buy Poison? Tho I realise that purchase will also make sense due to being able to dial in deeper synth based patch settings.

    @lostress Poison is a straight synth, no samples, no sampling!

    @jimpavloff said:

    @Iostress said:

    @SMKArtist said:

    @Iostress said:
    Can't check atm but is it possible to name/save/browse sound patches in GR16? Like sample/synth + fx/lfo/filter settings etc? Or only possible to save raw samples/oscs?

    @Iostress At the moment it's not possible to save sound patches. This was a similar problem with the Electribe 2's.

    However there is a light at the end of the tunnel here. Because the @jimpavloff has used the same exact sound engine as his last app 'Poison', he is looking to update that app with an export feature. This update would take sound patches made and saved in Poison and spits the data out as a file GR-16 would be able to import into the app. Using Poison to make custom sound files is a much better option since that app is so much deeper and has the kind of control and editing features you were asking about before. Once this is implemented, buying Poison will be worth every penny and the new OS 11 file system would be useful. I still say that what ever file exporting @jimpavloff decides to do, I sure hope he gives us options to use iCloud over the new file app. I pay monthly for the extended space on iCloud, I'd rather use that for my iPad files.

    Thanks for info. Cool, I haven't got Poison but sounds like it will maybe make sense to cop it at some point.

    Does poison support sample based patches too and have sample patch param settings that would translate to GR-16? That's where I've been having most fun with sounds on GR16, with samples and the basic sound design... They're the sounds I'd most like to save as patches for future browsing/loading.

    Seems like it should be possible inside the app tho really? For sample patches at least? Without necessity to buy Poison? Tho I realise that purchase will also make sense due to being able to dial in deeper synth based patch settings.

    Saving the sound patches inside GR is planned and already in development. No need in buying Poison for this. Besides, as I mentioned somewhere above, Poison and GR are based on the same engine, but they are NOT cross-compatible. GR has totally different parameter structure. Most of Poison's parameters were ripped away to simplify and speed-up the engine and limit the spectrum of possible sounds to a good range of sounds for most needs, giving a user an ability to more easily achieve a working sound he can already use, in comparison to Poison-202.

    Oh wow! Even better. Nice work @jimpavloff. I remember you saying that the two apps were not compatible which why I thought you were doing a special file export through the fill app but hell, way better news, dude.

  • @jimpavloff said:
    Saving the sound patches inside GR is planned and already in development. No need in buying Poison for this. Besides, as I mentioned somewhere above, Poison and GR are based on the same engine, but they are NOT cross-compatible. GR has totally different parameter structure. Most of Poison's parameters were ripped away to simplify and speed-up the engine and limit the spectrum of possible sounds to a good range of sounds for most needs, giving a user an ability to more easily achieve a working sound he can already use, in comparison to Poison-202.

    This sounds great, I would be interested in buying a sound bank from JimAudio or one of the other talented sound designers on this forum.

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