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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • @stormbeats said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @Iostress said:
    Been looking at GR16 again today. A few more observations / feature requests.. Apologies in advance ;)

    After realising that there isn't even a basic 3 band eq (neither in fx options or in mixer channels...) I'm struggling more than ever to see how no one else is enthusiastic for a 2nd page of params... The app could be totally nailed with a 2nd params page with -

    A semi-decent eq (even more vital if no separate Parts stereo wav export is planned).
    Retrig/roll (mimic Elektron for this)
    A 2nd LFO
    Oscilloscope replaced by 'insert fx' params display for tweaking fx settings properly.
    Button shortcuts for - pre/post (filter before/after insert fx), quantize options pop up window, metronome on/off, etc...

    All that instant goodness could be put on a 2nd params page and make a HUGE difference to the depth/quality achievable in GR-16....just needs a little 'Page 2' button next to the 'mixer' button....

    Gr-16 really does have a ton of potential. It's already super fun. Really hope dev will at least consider the above (or something very similar) for future..

    From the things you have mentioned, I was thinking to create a master parametric EQ, and maybe some master compressor in a future on a separate master fx page. Other things, like more IFX parameters or LFO's are impossible without a total change in GR's parameter structure, that would break all its current functions and make it sound totally different without the backward compatibility. It is like to say "f**k you" to all of its current users.

    @jimpavloff master para eq & compressor - yes yes !!! that will be cool and i hear what you say about could make customers annoyed if fx section changes though i will say an in app purchase or paid upgrade option will solve that

    Lol. Or just an option in settings. IAP for access to fx params?? Y'all are crazy...

  • Damn I am having soooo much fun in this app. I like virtually everything I’ve made in it so far, and I’ve made a lot. B)

    For some reason I’m able to dial in just about any synth bass, arp, or lead sounds I hear in my head within minutes. Maybe there are fewer knobs in my brain than I thought. Stuff just comes out. I think I get too distracted by all the bells and whistles in other apps or something.

    I just went back through the patterns I’ve made so far, and ended up jamming over them for hours using the MFX and Arp pad. It’s amazing what you can do just by switching out which parts have MFX turned on, then goofing with it. This is probably the only app I could actually imagine myself performing with live.

    Thanks, @jimpavloff, you nailed it with this one!

  • @wim said:
    Damn I am having soooo much fun in this app. I like virtually everything I’ve made in it so far, and I’ve made a lot. B)

    For some reason I’m able to dial in just about any synth bass, arp, or lead sounds I hear in my head within minutes. Maybe there are fewer knobs in my brain than I thought. Stuff just comes out. I think I get too distracted by all the bells and whistles in other apps or something.

    I just went back through the patterns I’ve made so far, and ended up jamming over them for hours using the MFX and Arp pad. It’s amazing what you can do just by switching out which parts have MFX turned on, then goofing with it. This is probably the only app I could actually imagine myself performing with live.

    Thanks, @jimpavloff, you nailed it with this one!

    Yeah I’m finding the same thing - it’s so easy to just make a few quick sounds and make something happen. That’s what I love about this app. Really hits a sweet spot :)

  • edited December 2017

    Now it has loop export it’s a lot more useful to me so thanks for that :)

    I’d still like an AB start button though.

  • @wim said:
    Damn I am having soooo much fun in this app. I like virtually everything I’ve made in it so far, and I’ve made a lot. B)

    For some reason I’m able to dial in just about any synth bass, arp, or lead sounds I hear in my head within minutes. Maybe there are fewer knobs in my brain than I thought. Stuff just comes out. I think I get too distracted by all the bells and whistles in other apps or something.

    I just went back through the patterns I’ve made so far, and ended up jamming over them for hours using the MFX and Arp pad. It’s amazing what you can do just by switching out which parts have MFX turned on, then goofing with it. This is probably the only app I could actually imagine myself performing with live.

    Thanks, @jimpavloff, you nailed it with this one!

    Good times :) would be killer if it had a 16 track recorder for recording live jam stems to then export to daw and mix or chop up to reassemble etc.

    Guessing recording 16 stereo wavs simultaneously might be too taxing on cpu/ram tho. Maybe it could work around it by some clever under the hood kind of stuff.... Like having a 'record jam' option, and then it would be recording all the users param movements/mutes etc during a jam, and then after you stop recording, it could process it all back and bounce out one stem at a time? like all as a simple one button process for users, but with that kind of process going on under the hood to escape cpu/ram limits? Just thinking out loud....

  • @wim said:
    Damn I am having soooo much fun in this app. I like virtually everything I’ve made in it so far, and I’ve made a lot. B)

    For some reason I’m able to dial in just about any synth bass, arp, or lead sounds I hear in my head within minutes. Maybe there are fewer knobs in my brain than I thought. Stuff just comes out. I think I get too distracted by all the bells and whistles in other apps or something.

    I just went back through the patterns I’ve made so far, and ended up jamming over them for hours using the MFX and Arp pad. It’s amazing what you can do just by switching out which parts have MFX turned on, then goofing with it. This is probably the only app I could actually imagine myself performing with live.

    Thanks, @jimpavloff, you nailed it with this one!

    Also, agree with the simplicity of dialling in synth sounds on gr-16. Very quick/intuitive. Kinda reminds me of Op-1's 4 knobs simplicity. Sometimes it's refreshing to not have a full panel of synth params..

  • Yeah being able to export which ever audio loop by soloing has sorted what I needed.

  • @Iostress said:

    @wim said:
    Damn I am having soooo much fun in this app. I like virtually everything I’ve made in it so far, and I’ve made a lot. B)

    For some reason I’m able to dial in just about any synth bass, arp, or lead sounds I hear in my head within minutes. Maybe there are fewer knobs in my brain than I thought. Stuff just comes out. I think I get too distracted by all the bells and whistles in other apps or something.

    I just went back through the patterns I’ve made so far, and ended up jamming over them for hours using the MFX and Arp pad. It’s amazing what you can do just by switching out which parts have MFX turned on, then goofing with it. This is probably the only app I could actually imagine myself performing with live.

    Thanks, @jimpavloff, you nailed it with this one!

    Also, agree with the simplicity of dialling in synth sounds on gr-16. Very quick/intuitive. Kinda reminds me of Op-1's 4 knobs simplicity. Sometimes it's refreshing to not have a full panel of synth params..

    OP-1 is a great comparison. This to me is its appeal. This is a tool whose very limitations are inspiring.

  • @ExAsperis99 said:

    @Iostress said:

    @wim said:
    Damn I am having soooo much fun in this app. I like virtually everything I’ve made in it so far, and I’ve made a lot. B)

    For some reason I’m able to dial in just about any synth bass, arp, or lead sounds I hear in my head within minutes. Maybe there are fewer knobs in my brain than I thought. Stuff just comes out. I think I get too distracted by all the bells and whistles in other apps or something.

    I just went back through the patterns I’ve made so far, and ended up jamming over them for hours using the MFX and Arp pad. It’s amazing what you can do just by switching out which parts have MFX turned on, then goofing with it. This is probably the only app I could actually imagine myself performing with live.

    Thanks, @jimpavloff, you nailed it with this one!

    Also, agree with the simplicity of dialling in synth sounds on gr-16. Very quick/intuitive. Kinda reminds me of Op-1's 4 knobs simplicity. Sometimes it's refreshing to not have a full panel of synth params..

    OP-1 is a great comparison. This to me is its appeal. This is a tool whose very limitations are inspiring.

    Yeah for sure. But you'll also find a TON of feature requests on the op1 forum ;) It's far from perfect in many areas. For instance Step sequencing refinement/an extra lfo/pattern saving..constant requests for this kind of stuff and the list goes on. And it has already received a ton of significant updates since release. Sadly it's limited by its cpu and ui so a bunch of the most often requested features are impossible to add. But on ios this isn't really an issue and refinement is almost potentially unlimited if dev has enthusiasm for it. Sounds like @jimpavloff is already planning the sequel tho ;) Nothing wrong with that I suppose but a shame if that's influential in any non-development decisions with GR-16...

  • Will be pretty funny/ironic when @jimpavloff releases the deeper app and everyone that's currently begging for no significant updates to GR-16's depth is all, 'Wow this is amazing! So much fun! so deep! Just like expensive hardware! Can't wait to perform with it! Take my money!'.... Lols in advance ;)

  • @Fruitbat1919 said:
    I know many wants are being mentioned here - fair enough. Just my opinion to the dev @jimpavloff - love the app as is, and while it’s fair enough to tweak and add this and that here - please know that we don’t all want lots more features or even workflow revisions.

    The app really comes into its own because it lacks certain features and simplicity rules over feature count. While some may not understand or desire this approach, many of us do for the following reasons:

    1. The limited choices and feature count keep the app accessible without much thought - in other words it becomes quicker to think of what to do without more fluff.
    2. Coming up with workarounds sometimes leads to more creative thinking, that’s why many of us love or loved some of the older hardware that lacked features.
    3. Adding too much then conflicts with using the device to start something and then carry it on in another app - in this vain imports and exports of all kinds are more important than any additional fx or methods of use within the app itself.

    This is more of a general voicing of opinion. I’m sure that the dev and most people already realise why some don’t want this app to become something else.

    Exactly how I feel.

  • edited December 2017

    hm those spams from Iostress starting to be really annoying.. i open thread, and from 30 new posts 25 are f iostress murmuring about missing features...

    it would be gigantically great to have 8 bars per pattern, but ok, i accept app also with his weak parts, and i use what is there and what is great .. life is full of compromises, perfect app doesn't exit..

  • @wim said:

    @ErrkaPetti said:

    @wim said:
    Last I checked it was Saturday! B)

    Maybe you just need some rest. ;)

    ...or, it just went saturday here in Sweden...
    And, you’re right, we sll need some rest after this long weekend with a lot of noises from our beloved iOS devices...

    Uh no? It’s Sunday in Sweden. You’re going to miss New Years completely at this rate.

    This has me laughing out loud in grocery store. :)

  • edited December 2017

    @jimpavlov - I'am getting a lot of buggy things with creating folders - GR sometimes see's folder other times not - if poss need this updated soon as - all else is ok but at this stage I can't organise any folder file structure
    Tried making folders via files app and also drag/drop wav. folders via itunes transfer
    Also a sample I dragged in moved to the Trash in GR without me moving it at all
    ok maybe the sample dragged in goes to trash automatically if not saved to a pattern - this will cause clutter in an update can we have an auto save / back up on/off option? As it stands there are no folders in files app or itunes or within GR to empty the "Trash" bin.

    • anyone else getting issues?
  • The .Trash folder is something the iOS/ creates when deleting files. Usually folders starting with a . are 'hidden'. (Suggestion to Jim here is to hide it in GR-16 to avoid confusion).

    Those .Trash folders are used by iOS to allow recovery of files. The 'Recently Deleted' folder in just collates all files in various .Trash folders and allows recovery up to 30 days unless manually deleted from there or device is starting to run out of usable storage.

  • @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavlov - I'am getting a lot of buggy things with creating folders - GR sometimes see's folder other times not - if poss need this updated soon as - all else is ok but at this stage I can't organise any folder file structure
    Tried making folders via files app and also drag/drop wav. folders via itunes transfer
    Also a sample I dragged in moved to the Trash in GR without me moving it at all
    ok maybe the sample dragged in goes to trash automatically if not saved to a pattern - this will cause clutter in an update can we have an auto save / back up on/off option? As it stands there are no folders in files app or itunes or within GR to empty the "Trash" bin.

    • anyone else getting issues?

    Left swipe gives u delete options in files app. Yes I tried to move a folder rather than a file and no joy. I think that’s a Apple limitation mind.

  • edited December 2017

    @Jumpercollins said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavlov - I'am getting a lot of buggy things with creating folders - GR sometimes see's folder other times not - if poss need this updated soon as - all else is ok but at this stage I can't organise any folder file structure
    Tried making folders via files app and also drag/drop wav. folders via itunes transfer
    Also a sample I dragged in moved to the Trash in GR without me moving it at all
    ok maybe the sample dragged in goes to trash automatically if not saved to a pattern - this will cause clutter in an update can we have an auto save / back up on/off option? As it stands there are no folders in files app or itunes or within GR to empty the "Trash" bin.

    • anyone else getting issues?

    Left swipe gives u delete options in files app. Yes I tried to move a folder rather than a file and no joy. I think that’s a Apple limitation mind.

    @jimpavloff @Jumpercollins ok thanks - what I mean is in GR there is a .Trash in the menu window - there is no way to delete any files in here - which will stay in there if you drag in files you may not need and dont save in GR - via or itunes - (the files in .Trash are not seen) A proper GR root system needs sorting - I can't even delete unused files in GR it is not an iOS issue as I can see a proper structure of folders in bm3 etc - this bug needs sorting promptly or will be major issues with app file handling in no time at all. Lets get GR running smooth its a great app with "pro" potential

  • @dendy said:
    hm those spams from Iostress starting to be really annoying.. i open thread, and from 30 new posts 25 are f iostress murmuring about missing features...

    it would be gigantically great to have 8 bars per pattern, but ok, i accept app also with his weak parts, and i use what is there and what is great .. life is full of compromises, perfect app doesn't exit..

    I think you'll find that half of my posts are actually responding to people and/or defending the suggestions I made. Or defending the right to even make suggestions/requests.

    Forum users here have been making a simple thing like me throwing down some feature requests in to some kind of drama. Totally needless and sadly seems to say a lot about the experience/requirements of people on here.

    People are presumptuous. And wrong. I'm still gonna use the app to mess with. I'm not sat home crying about it. Just saying 'oh, these small additions would be sweet and wouldnt interfere with other users unless they also wanted to use them'. No need for people to jump in and defend or exile stuff. Just cos what I would like, they wouldn't. You don't see me jumping in on all the requests that I don't personally need and saying 'oh no, don't do that!'... Maybe it's cos I'm female and I'm not meant to have an opinion on this stuff?

    Seems that praise/contentment is easy come by in this forum. Go on some hardware forums and you'll see that people often hope for/require extra features and dont get met by such an uphill struggle just to post a list of what they'd see as improvements/requirements....

    There you go, some more spam for you to read, enjoy!

  • I also get this message come up when trying to move multiple files

  • @Iostress said:

    @dendy said:
    hm those spams from Iostress starting to be really annoying.. i open thread, and from 30 new posts 25 are f iostress murmuring about missing features...

    it would be gigantically great to have 8 bars per pattern, but ok, i accept app also with his weak parts, and i use what is there and what is great .. life is full of compromises, perfect app doesn't exit..

    I think you'll find that half of my posts are actually responding to people and/or defending the suggestions I made. Or defending the right to even make suggestions/requests.

    Forum users here have been making a simple thing like me throwing down some feature requests in to some kind of drama. Totally needless and sadly seems to say a lot about the experience/requirements of people on here.

    People are presumptuous. And wrong. I'm still gonna use the app to mess with. I'm not sat home crying about it. Just saying 'oh, these small additions would be sweet and wouldnt interfere with other users unless they also wanted to use them'. No need for people to jump in and defend or exile stuff. Just cos what I would like, they wouldn't. You don't see me jumping in on all the requests that I don't personally need and saying 'oh no, don't do that!'... Maybe it's cos I'm female and I'm not meant to have an opinion on this stuff?

    Seems that praise/contentment is easy come by in this forum. Go on some hardware forums and you'll see that people often hope for/require extra features and dont get met by such an uphill struggle just to post a list of what they'd see as improvements/requirements....

    There you go, some more spam for you to read, enjoy!

    @lostress Dude - chill your doing ya self more stress with the essays Make some beats

  • @Samu said:
    The .Trash folder is something the iOS/ creates when deleting files. Usually folders starting with a . are 'hidden'. (Suggestion to Jim here is to hide it in GR-16 to avoid confusion).

    Those .Trash folders are used by iOS to allow recovery of files. The 'Recently Deleted' folder in just collates all files in various .Trash folders and allows recovery up to 30 days unless manually deleted from there or device is starting to run out of usable storage.

    Oh I wonder why I was seeing a trash folder inside Groove Rider on my iPad but not my iPhone.

  • @Jumpercollins said:

    @stormbeats said:
    @jimpavlov - I'am getting a lot of buggy things with creating folders - GR sometimes see's folder other times not - if poss need this updated soon as - all else is ok but at this stage I can't organise any folder file structure
    Tried making folders via files app and also drag/drop wav. folders via itunes transfer
    Also a sample I dragged in moved to the Trash in GR without me moving it at all
    ok maybe the sample dragged in goes to trash automatically if not saved to a pattern - this will cause clutter in an update can we have an auto save / back up on/off option? As it stands there are no folders in files app or itunes or within GR to empty the "Trash" bin.

    • anyone else getting issues?

    Left swipe gives u delete options in files app. Yes I tried to move a folder rather than a file and no joy. I think that’s a Apple limitation mind.

    @Jumpercollins @jimpavloff not an ios issue at all as bm3 etc has all relevant folders showing in itunes and files app.

  • edited December 2017

    @Jumpercollins said:
    I also get this message come up when trying to move multiple files

    @jimpavloff @Jumpercollins buggy bug bug - not good - yesterday I could create 1 folder today none - something seriously not working in GR

  • edited December 2017

    @Jumpercollins said:

    Oh I wonder why I was seeing a trash folder inside Groove Rider on my iPad but not my iPhone.

    I don't see the .Trash on my iPhone 5 that is still running iOS10.3.3 since it can't be updated past that...
    (The .Trash folder is created when deleting files using the

  • @Iostress said:

    @dendy said:
    hm those spams from Iostress starting to be really annoying.. i open thread, and from 30 new posts 25 are f iostress murmuring about missing features...

    it would be gigantically great to have 8 bars per pattern, but ok, i accept app also with his weak parts, and i use what is there and what is great .. life is full of compromises, perfect app doesn't exit..

    I think you'll find that half of my posts are actually responding to people and/or defending the suggestions I made. Or defending the right to even make suggestions/requests.

    Forum users here have been making a simple thing like me throwing down some feature requests in to some kind of drama. Totally needless and sadly seems to say a lot about the experience/requirements of people on here.

    People are presumptuous. And wrong. I'm still gonna use the app to mess with. I'm not sat home crying about it. Just saying 'oh, these small additions would be sweet and wouldnt interfere with other users unless they also wanted to use them'. No need for people to jump in and defend or exile stuff. Just cos what I would like, they wouldn't. You don't see me jumping in on all the requests that I don't personally need and saying 'oh no, don't do that!'... Maybe it's cos I'm female and I'm not meant to have an opinion on this stuff?

    Seems that praise/contentment is easy come by in this forum. Go on some hardware forums and you'll see that people often hope for/require extra features and dont get met by such an uphill struggle just to post a list of what they'd see as improvements/requirements....

    There you go, some more spam for you to read, enjoy!

    send your detailed needs to the dev via website support g

  • @stormbeats said:

    @Jumpercollins said:
    I also get this message come up when trying to move multiple files

    buggy bug bug - not good

    A way around it is to transfer groups of files then drag them into a self named folder within GR. I still think BM3 Dropbox import is a better system.

  • @stormbeats said:

    @Iostress said:

    @dendy said:
    hm those spams from Iostress starting to be really annoying.. i open thread, and from 30 new posts 25 are f iostress murmuring about missing features...

    it would be gigantically great to have 8 bars per pattern, but ok, i accept app also with his weak parts, and i use what is there and what is great .. life is full of compromises, perfect app doesn't exit..

    I think you'll find that half of my posts are actually responding to people and/or defending the suggestions I made. Or defending the right to even make suggestions/requests.

    Forum users here have been making a simple thing like me throwing down some feature requests in to some kind of drama. Totally needless and sadly seems to say a lot about the experience/requirements of people on here.

    People are presumptuous. And wrong. I'm still gonna use the app to mess with. I'm not sat home crying about it. Just saying 'oh, these small additions would be sweet and wouldnt interfere with other users unless they also wanted to use them'. No need for people to jump in and defend or exile stuff. Just cos what I would like, they wouldn't. You don't see me jumping in on all the requests that I don't personally need and saying 'oh no, don't do that!'... Maybe it's cos I'm female and I'm not meant to have an opinion on this stuff?

    Seems that praise/contentment is easy come by in this forum. Go on some hardware forums and you'll see that people often hope for/require extra features and dont get met by such an uphill struggle just to post a list of what they'd see as improvements/requirements....

    There you go, some more spam for you to read, enjoy!

    @lostress Dude - chill your doing ya self more stress with the essays Make some beats

    Essays only take a sec, easy rambles, no stress ;) Posting while waiting for file transfers to complete :/

  • Lostress you're absolutely right about everything you've said, just not about this app in particular (this dev had a particular vision and that was that).. but unfortunately and more importantly for iOS development in general. I don't think it's ever going to get there...because if it was it probably would have already done so. Especially in the realm of groove boxes.


    because it's important to get music into the hands of people who don't make music on a fervor level something akin to religious fanaticism.

    because there are allot of quick buck devs out there creating groove boxes to sell sample packs

    because we are still fighting for beyond basic standards like midi, panning, sample import/export, metering, sample ability, etc... if you have to beg for water that means nobody cares if you're hungry.

    because because because, it doesn't even matter. I"m tired of my own typing now.


  • edited December 2017

    @Jumpercollins said:

    @stormbeats said:

    @Jumpercollins said:
    I also get this message come up when trying to move multiple files

    buggy bug bug - not good

    A way around it is to transfer groups of files then drag them into a self named folder within GR. I still think BM3 Dropbox import is a better system.

    @Jumpercollins I suggested this to @jimpavloff as it stands GR is relying to much on outside apps which are not working with GR .Can't rely to heavily on dropbox for those times when internet unavailabe

  • @stormbeats said:

    @Jumpercollins said:

    @stormbeats said:

    @Jumpercollins said:
    I also get this message come up when trying to move multiple files

    buggy bug bug - not good

    A way around it is to transfer groups of files then drag them into a self named folder within GR. I still think BM3 Dropbox import is a better system.

    @Jumpercollins I suggested this to @jimpavloff as it stands GR is relying to much on outside apps which are not working with GR .Can't rely to heavily on dropbox for those times when internet unavailabe

    Agree with you there.

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