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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

Download on the App Store

Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • @skiphunt said:

    @pfrf said:

    @skiphunt said:
    I wish users here wouldn’t dogpile the rare user who dares to critique and engages in legitimate discourse about how a good app could be even better.

    I’m sorry that many of you don’t seem to agree with the suggestions, but I think they’ve all been presented intelligently and many of them sound like viable possible ways this excellent app could evolve. I bet the developer isn’t actually dismissing the suggestions and is likely considering all of the suggestions in earnest.

    Maybe the more direct, no holds barred approach is putting some folks off? To me, it all just sounds like someone who knows what they are talking about, purchased and likes the app, but would like to have some influence on its continued evolution.

    Frankly, I think the iOS sound platform dialogue needs more informed talk like this, not less.

    There has been lots of discussion about new features, wishlists, bugs etc. Only one person was rude about it.

    I think there’s likely an online disconnect between what some interpret as “rude” and what others simply read as direct. I’ve been guilty of this myself many times. On both sides. Sometimes I misread a reply as personal and react with unnecessary defense. Other times, I’m the one simply trying to be direct and others read it as “rude” in delivery.

    It’s a problem with online discourse in general. Then you toss in various cultural norms of social communication, as well as regional differences, and it’s a guaranteed recipe for disconnect.

    I personally work at trying to see/read past the delivery tone, and focus solely on the core of what’s being said. I think if many here view the @Iostress suggestions through this lens instead, filter out the tone and focus on the core information, many will find much of it makes good sense, or at least deserves to be considered within the general conversation.

    All of us here obviously like this app. Conversations about how it might develop into something even greater should be welcomed.

    I think any good faith towards listening became lost under the weight of negative and belittling attitude.

  • @Samu said:

    @stormbeats said:
    anyone know where saved drafts are on here?

    If you mean drafts of composed messages then tap on your name on the top bar and they should show up under my discussions.

    the drafts not showing no probs though - thanks

  • @skiphunt said:
    I personally work at trying to see/read past the delivery tone, and focus solely on the core of what’s being said. I think if many here view the @Iostress suggestions through this lens instead, filter out the tone and focus...

    That’s laudable, but yeah, I don’t do that. It’s not my job.

    On topic- I am enjoying the modulation section a lot. It’s giving me ideas for programming other synths.

  • edited December 2017

    @pfrf said:

    @skiphunt said:
    I personally work at trying to see/read past the delivery tone, and focus solely on the core of what’s being said. I think if many here view the @Iostress suggestions through this lens instead, filter out the tone and focus...

    That’s laudable, but yeah, I don’t do that. It’s not my job.

    On topic- I am enjoying the modulation section a lot. It’s giving me ideas for programming other synths.

    On topic, I’m really enjoying the immediacy of this app as others have lauded. Even for my own interest apart from the intended groove creation, it’s useful and fun to make very cool bits that I can use elsewhere. I was experimenting with its BPM set to 999 last night and after some knob tweaking was getting good drone stuff too.

    I especially like this app using its sample slicer, and the technique @wim described earlier in the thread, turning builtin instruments from changing distortion to sample and loop. All kinds of awesome weirdness can evolve from that one approach. :)

  • @ipadthai said:
    Can someone summarize this thread in 10 words or less please? Thanks.


  • @skiphunt said:
    I wish users here wouldn’t dogpile the rare user who dares to critique and engages in legitimate discourse about how a good app could be even better.

    I’m sorry that many of you don’t seem to agree with the suggestions, but I think they’ve all been presented intelligently and many of them sound like viable possible ways this excellent app could evolve. I bet the developer isn’t actually dismissing the suggestions and is likely considering all of the suggestions in earnest.

    Maybe the more direct, no holds barred approach is putting some folks off? To me, it all just sounds like someone who knows what they are talking about, purchased and likes the app, but would like to have some influence on its continued evolution.

    Frankly, I think the iOS sound platform dialogue needs more informed talk like this, not less.


  • edited December 2017

    @Iostress said:
    Y'all gifted at talking about gear... Without talking about gear!? Too funny....

    Go back and read again. All I did was drop a feature request list. No demands. No rudeness. Just ideas. Bunch of groupies started sobbing for no need and telling me to use BM3. Ridic.

    @ExAsperis99 all I asked for was basic stuff. Go back and re-read it. I beta for a bunch of companies. including TE... This is the kinda list MOST devs appreciate!? This place is just skew...

    Busy night. Lets all be back with beats next couple of days. Put moneys where the mouths is ;)

    everything you initially said was legitimate and succinct , don't ruin it by following the personal attacks that are following you. No matter how good or bad anyones Beats are it's not going to change the current state of iOS development. I agree with skip, we need allot more discussion like you prompted but in the right kind of threads, by that I mean threads started for it or welcoming of it.

  • @kobamoto said:

    @Iostress said:
    Y'all gifted at talking about gear... Without talking about gear!? Too funny....

    Go back and read again. All I did was drop a feature request list. No demands. No rudeness. Just ideas. Bunch of groupies started sobbing for no need and telling me to use BM3. Ridic.

    @ExAsperis99 all I asked for was basic stuff. Go back and re-read it. I beta for a bunch of companies. including TE... This is the kinda list MOST devs appreciate!? This place is just skew...

    Busy night. Lets all be back with beats next couple of days. Put moneys where the mouths is ;)

    everything you initially said was legitimate and succinct , don't ruin it by following the personal attacks that are following you. No matter how good or bad anyones Beats are it's not going to change the current state of iOS development. I agree with skip, we need allot more discussion like you prompted but in the right kind of threads, by that I mean threads started for it or welcoming of it.

    Discussions are fine, but even the first post basically called the app a toy. Personally I don’t think just posting a large wants lists is constructive. Yeah some people would love to see more in many apps. Some are happy with the app how it is too. Room for both opinions. They are just opinions though - all apps cannot have everything just because it is possible or desired by some.

    The argument is that what was asked for would not make the app any more complex. I respectfully disagree and so I did in my writing. I think it’s fine and as you say, desired sometimes to explore an apps direction and we are so lucky to have devs come here and join us in discussion - this is just not the norm! Yet, sometimes devs are treated quite badly here and I for one would understand why some don’t even come on here anymore.

    Yeah, let’s discuss, but please keep in mind some devs put their hearts and souls into each new release, so let’s at least try to be fair and reasonable to them first before we get too carried away with what we want ;)

  • @Fruitbat1919 said:

    @kobamoto said:

    @Iostress said:
    Y'all gifted at talking about gear... Without talking about gear!? Too funny....

    Go back and read again. All I did was drop a feature request list. No demands. No rudeness. Just ideas. Bunch of groupies started sobbing for no need and telling me to use BM3. Ridic.

    @ExAsperis99 all I asked for was basic stuff. Go back and re-read it. I beta for a bunch of companies. including TE... This is the kinda list MOST devs appreciate!? This place is just skew...

    Busy night. Lets all be back with beats next couple of days. Put moneys where the mouths is ;)

    everything you initially said was legitimate and succinct , don't ruin it by following the personal attacks that are following you. No matter how good or bad anyones Beats are it's not going to change the current state of iOS development. I agree with skip, we need allot more discussion like you prompted but in the right kind of threads, by that I mean threads started for it or welcoming of it.

    Discussions are fine, but even the first post basically called the app a toy. Personally I don’t think just posting a large wants lists is constructive. Yeah some people would love to see more in many apps. Some are happy with the app how it is too. Room for both opinions. They are just opinions though - all apps cannot have everything just because it is possible or desired by some.

    The argument is that what was asked for would not make the app any more complex. I respectfully disagree and so I did in my writing. I think it’s fine and as you say, desired sometimes to explore an apps direction and we are so lucky to have devs come here and join us in discussion - this is just not the norm! Yet, sometimes devs are treated quite badly here and I for one would understand why some don’t even come on here anymore.

    Yeah, let’s discuss, but please keep in mind some devs put their hearts and souls into each new release, so let’s at least try to be fair and reasonable to them first before we get too carried away with what we want ;)

    Well put. I do think that Skip and Kobomato are reacting to a pervasive fanboy sycophancy that can accompany new apps. It's real. But at the same time, this is a $10 app. It seems weird to rage over its imagined shortcomings.

  • @fruitbat , I don't think the discussion is really about "The argument is that what was asked for would not make the app any more complex", I think that was just a moment in the discussion.... imo it's larger and deserved it's own proper thread. I spoke with the dev long before the app was released and you'll find my usual meanderings mysteriously missing from this thread because like I said earlier, he had a very particular vision which makes this app and this thread the wrong place for the right discussion,I also agree with skip about the tone.. imho I don't think his initial post was intended to be any more offensive, he'd have to post for a thousand years to reach the feature request around here of samu and nobody has a problem with it.... I think the discussion could have gone much better of course but if you think the part about him possibly referring to he app as a toy is the most offensive thing in the discussion I'd beg to differ. Thats just my opinion, he actually paid for the app. It's also just my opinion that it would behoove us to focus more on peoples intentions, if I wasn't certain of his intentions I might have been more offended but they were clear. The intentions of what came after were clear as well so if we are calling out offensive stuff lets be consistent.

  • @kobamoto said:
    @fruitbat , I don't think the discussion is really about "The argument is that what was asked for would not make the app any more complex", I think that was just a moment in the discussion.... imo it's larger and deserved it's own proper thread. I spoke with the dev long before the app was released and you'll find my usual meanderings mysteriously missing from this thread because like I said earlier, he had a very particular vision which makes this app and this thread the wrong place for the right discussion,I also agree with skip about the tone.. imho I don't think his initial post was intended to be any more offensive, he'd have to post for a thousand years to reach the feature request around here of samu and nobody has a problem with it.... I think the discussion could have gone much better of course but if you think the part about him possibly referring to he app as a toy is the most offensive thing in the discussion I'd beg to differ. Thats just my opinion, he actually paid for the app. It's also just my opinion that it would behoove us to focus more on peoples intentions, if I wasn't certain of his intentions I might have been more offended but they were clear. The intentions of what came after were clear as well so if we are calling out offensive stuff lets be consistent.

    Will just agree we see this differently then :)

  • edited December 2017

    I agree with most of what you said :p

    that's the thing, no one really has to be at odds in this case , everyone is right. It was just the wrong thread imo.

  • edited December 2017

    @kobamoto said:

    @Iostress said:
    Y'all gifted at talking about gear... Without talking about gear!? Too funny....

    Go back and read again. All I did was drop a feature request list. No demands. No rudeness. Just ideas. Bunch of groupies started sobbing for no need and telling me to use BM3. Ridic.

    @ExAsperis99 all I asked for was basic stuff. Go back and re-read it. I beta for a bunch of companies. including TE... This is the kinda list MOST devs appreciate!? This place is just skew...

    Busy night. Lets all be back with beats next couple of days. Put moneys where the mouths is ;)

    everything you initially said was legitimate and succinct , don't ruin it by following the personal attacks that are following you. No matter how good or bad anyones Beats are it's not going to change the current state of iOS development. I agree with skip, we need allot more discussion like you prompted but in the right kind of threads, by that I mean threads started for it or welcoming of it.

    My take: feature request/ideas fit perfectly with what’s done here, and are of course welcome. Some app-specific requests tap into a deeper, platform-wide discussion, and are worth unpacking further, and could be very fruitful in discussions of their own.

    If I may point out, your first post about the app (and first post on the forum, welcome @Iostress to the menagerie!) did include some language that might be considered triggering, or might be considered an example of what they call at university “micro aggression”, lol...

    ie referring to the app as “crippled”, “halfhearted”, “lame”, all the “Ugh’s”...

    That language seems to have gotten the goat of folks with goats to get...which is non fatal, and fairly low grade considering how hot things can get on the interwebs, and even around here. Be that as it may, welcome!

  • @kobamoto said:
    I agree with most of what you said :p

    that's the thing, no one really has to be at odds in this case , everyone is right. It was just the wrong thread imo.

    I would say wrong thread and wrong method IMO. We all know that some on here get a bit personal in their attacks, but it was obvious IMO that some of what he/she said was designed to provoke reaction.

  • edited December 2017

    @Fruitbat1919 said:

    @kobamoto said:
    I agree with most of what you said :p

    that's the thing, no one really has to be at odds in this case , everyone is right. It was just the wrong thread imo.

    I would say wrong thread and wrong method IMO. We all know that some on here get a bit personal in their attacks, but it was obvious IMO that some of what he/she said was designed to provoke reaction.

    I can see why you'd say that, but he/she's frustrations are just as easily understood.... my two points were that he didn't say the most offensive things, and most of what he said about development was credible imo, I really was just hoping that a great discussion about the issues would ensue in another thread but I guess he's not up for it.

    some of us treat iOS like a dating service
    some like a serious professional production tool on the cusp of major workflow achievements
    for some it's a quick buck to make
    for some the platform is a place to make friends
    and for some an iPad is nothing more than something to fidget with
    while it's a hobby for others
    and a super serious hobby for some others
    for some it's exploitation
    some to sell sample packs through apps
    some to bring music making to people who don't have interest in music making
    some for medicinal use

    it's all valid sense it's all real,

    I just try to keep in mind where someone is coming from when they are posting.. I was honest when I told him I don't see much progress going forward in regards to the level of use he's talking about because there are too few jonatans, brambos, and igors as well as users to match that kind of development to push it forward. we are still debating whether samplers should sample or not... I'm just being realistic but I'm stubbornly hopeful, that's why I understand his frustrations having been there myself.

  • love this kooky gizmo !
    grooverider + groovebox =

  • @kobamoto said:

    @Fruitbat1919 said:

    @kobamoto said:
    I agree with most of what you said :p

    that's the thing, no one really has to be at odds in this case , everyone is right. It was just the wrong thread imo.

    I would say wrong thread and wrong method IMO. We all know that some on here get a bit personal in their attacks, but it was obvious IMO that some of what he/she said was designed to provoke reaction.

    I can see why you'd say that, but he/she's frustrations are just as easily understood.... my two points were that he didn't say the most offensive things, and most of what he said about development was credible imo, I really was just hoping that a great discussion about the issues would ensue in another thread but I guess he's not up for it.

    some of us treat iOS like a dating service
    some like a serious professional production tool on the cusp of major workflow achievements
    for some it's a quick buck to make
    for some the platform is a place to make friends
    and for some an iPad is nothing more than something to fidget with
    while it's a hobby for others
    and a super serious hobby for some others
    for some it's exploitation
    some to sell sample packs through apps
    some to bring music making to people who don't have interest in music making
    some for medicinal use

    it's all valid sense it's all real,

    I just try to keep in mind where someone is coming from when they are posting.. I was honest when I told him I don't see much progress going forward in regards to the level of use he's talking about because there are too few jonatans, brambos, and igors as well as users to match that kind of development to push it forward. we are still debating whether samplers should sample or not... I'm just being realistic but I'm stubbornly hopeful, that's why I understand his frustrations having been there myself.

    Again just my opinion, but I think that he/she was more than just a victim here and that even when some tried to pull it back to discussion, pride had already taken a fall and it became a matter of attack anyone who disagreed no matter if they were rude personally or not. I’m not surprised by people thinking that it was all one big wind up to provoke.

    But hey while we see it differently, it’s New Year’s Eve here and as always wish you well @kobamoto

  • @kobamoto and I PMSL at your dating site comment ;)

  • @badrico said:
    love this kooky gizmo !
    grooverider + groovebox =

    This is terrific! Feels vaguely Haçienda to me. Nicely done. (And would love to see what sounds came from where....)

  • @Fruitbat1919 said:
    @kobamoto and I PMSL at your dating site comment ;)

    Happy New year to you too, what does pmsl mean?

  • and yeah I agree he's not a victim... I just don't think anybody in the thread is a victim including the dev, or the people who made even more offensive comments... imo that's a fair statement

  • Pissed myself laughing?
    Pooped me some linguini?

  • hahahaha thanks for catching me up

  • some things I won't be saying in 2018

    there's a cleanup on isle retronyms..
    Kanye Kanye Kanye Kanye candyman

  • @kobamoto said:
    hahahaha thanks for catching me up

    Yeah definitely the pissed myself laughing and not the pooped one lol

  • I'd start a religious sect dedicated to midi in and out for the ikaossilator app but only dB and myself would be in it

  • @Littlewoodg said:

    Pooped me some linguini?

    Congratulations, that caused my lasted lol of 2017

  • @badrico said:
    love this kooky gizmo !
    grooverider + groovebox =

    That's really good, eased me into 2018 nicely. B)

  • @ExAsperis99 said:

    @badrico said:
    love this kooky gizmo !
    grooverider + groovebox =

    This is terrific! Feels vaguely Haçienda to me. Nicely done. (And would love to see what sounds came from where....)

    hey Grazie !
    That hacienda vibe is just my cup of tea ... it was a hoot mashing them two grooves up
    rider mostly percussion and ravey details,
    box mostly chubby melody lift

  • @Munibeast said:

    @skiphunt said:
    I wish users here wouldn’t dogpile the rare user who dares to critique and engages in legitimate discourse about how a good app could be even better.

    I’m sorry that many of you don’t seem to agree with the suggestions, but I think they’ve all been presented intelligently and many of them sound like viable possible ways this excellent app could evolve. I bet the developer isn’t actually dismissing the suggestions and is likely considering all of the suggestions in earnest.

    Maybe the more direct, no holds barred approach is putting some folks off? To me, it all just sounds like someone who knows what they are talking about, purchased and likes the app, but would like to have some influence on its continued evolution.

    Frankly, I think the iOS sound platform dialogue needs more informed talk like this, not less.



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