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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • Be careful though or there will be nothing left for your deeper app,

  • Part 2 of my Grooverider jam, this time with a little more structure

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @gonekrazy3000 said:

    @BiancaNeve said:
    Here’s an easy way to program the melody parts

    Load daw/ midi sequencer of your choice into AB midi input

    Load midi adaptor into AB midi output slot

    Load grooverider into AB Audio input

    Turn Grooveriders midi on source AB midi adapter mode poly

    Save the set up in AB.

    If you have one blank bar at the start of your sequence, then hit the record button in GR then the AB master start button GR will record the midi from your daw into the pad corresponding to the midi channel the daw is transmitting on.

    This only works due to GR now having an AB start button so thanks again for implementing that

    What would be even better is if we got IAA multi outs. @jimpavloff can we please get those ? Would love to add external effects or record stems in real-time in AUM....

    In the next update - pattern's stems export and pattern Ableton Live Set export!

    I think I love you. Will the export also export midi ? Just curious.

  • @jimpavloff said:
    In the next update - pattern's stems export and pattern Ableton Live Set export!

    Do you ever sleep!!! Awesome!!

  • @db909 said:
    Part 2 of my Grooverider jam, this time with a little more structure

    Really cool! Did you record it directly in GR-16 or export it and clean it up?

  • edited January 2018

    @Telengard said:

    @db909 said:
    Part 2 of my Grooverider jam, this time with a little more structure

    Really cool! Did you record it directly in GR-16 or export it and clean it up?

    Thank you! It’s all GR recorded directly into Audioshare. The only thing affecting it is I had record normalize turned on in Audioshare which I wish I hadn’t but oh well.

  • I can't even.

  • Inspiring. Really looking forward to that Ableton export.

  • @Iostress said:

    @Lt_Core said:

    @Iostress said:

    @Lt_Core said:
    I think I’m the only one who doesn’t understand how to use this app, ugh. It’s great you all love it, I just wish I could figure it out, haha!

    Where are you having issues? Not many tutorial videos out there for this yet but can prob help out on here if give specifics ;)

    @guidinglight said:

    @Lt_Core said:
    I think I’m the only one who doesn’t understand how to use this app, ugh. It’s great you all love it, I just wish I could figure it out, haha!

    Do you know about shift functions? What can’t you figure out?

    I'm new to creating electronic music. I play guitar and gig 2 to 3 times a month. I'm adding some electronic sounds/samples/etc to our live show so I bought a bunch of iOS apps for my iPad Pro and a Novation LaunchPad Pro. Just some background on me and what I'm going for.

    With that being said, the whole step/sequencer thing has me a bit confused on how to get it going I guess. Is it as simple as pressing record then tapping out a bunch of sounds, then building it up from there? Sorry for the newbie question.

    Step sequencers aren't always easiest thing to integrate in to a live show with other non-electronic musicians. You say 'our' live show. Do you have a drummer? If so he'll probably need a click if you're running sequences... You could pan something for click out of either L/R for him to play to and pan everything else the opposite.

    Re integration in general. Besides obvs leaving rest of band space for their instruments. I guess just try to have fun with GR16 at rehearsals and alone and see if it works and adds to your overall sound in a way that fits and is worth the hassle. Should be able to do a bunch of stuff in GR16 that will be worth having going on though. Especially with the performance fx.

    If you aren't going to perform live on GR16 (maybe hands busy with other instruments?) then maybe look elsewhere if you just wanna make stems tracks to pad out your live sound? And if things like parameter locks (changing a paramater per step) and trig conditions (the probability feature. having a step only trigger a certain % of passes.) don't really interest you at the moment then you might find other apps (linear sequencers that host AU) that offer you more for what you're looking for.

    Also you're probably wise to it already but probably a good idea to have some empty patterns set up with sounds you think you wanna use already loaded to parts. That way your band doesn't have to wait around while you're browsing and loading. From experience that can turn a fun rehearsal sour pretty fast ;)

    Edit - apologies if some of the above reads as patronising! Like the advice with Click for drummer etc. No idea of your band setup or where you guys are already at ;) Good luck with it all in any case :smile: )

    Thanks for the reply. No offense taken :smile: I'm only using a few iPad apps here and there, intros of certain songs, etc. Only on one song I'm not playing guitar and using Synthscaper for the intro and chorus.

    I definitely would not use a sequencer live unless we played to a click, which we do not. We're extremely tight and rehearsed so no need for that. In general, I just want to understand how sequencers/groove boxes work.

    Maybe I'll look into Positive Grid's BT4, that might connect to AUM or AudioBus for turning various apps on & off:

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @gonekrazy3000 said:

    @BiancaNeve said:
    Here’s an easy way to program the melody parts

    Load daw/ midi sequencer of your choice into AB midi input

    Load midi adaptor into AB midi output slot

    Load grooverider into AB Audio input

    Turn Grooveriders midi on source AB midi adapter mode poly

    Save the set up in AB.

    If you have one blank bar at the start of your sequence, then hit the record button in GR then the AB master start button GR will record the midi from your daw into the pad corresponding to the midi channel the daw is transmitting on.

    This only works due to GR now having an AB start button so thanks again for implementing that

    What would be even better is if we got IAA multi outs. @jimpavloff can we please get those ? Would love to add external effects or record stems in real-time in AUM....

    In the next update - pattern's stems export and pattern Ableton Live Set export!


  • @jimpavloff said:

    @gonekrazy3000 said:

    @BiancaNeve said:
    Here’s an easy way to program the melody parts

    Load daw/ midi sequencer of your choice into AB midi input

    Load midi adaptor into AB midi output slot

    Load grooverider into AB Audio input

    Turn Grooveriders midi on source AB midi adapter mode poly

    Save the set up in AB.

    If you have one blank bar at the start of your sequence, then hit the record button in GR then the AB master start button GR will record the midi from your daw into the pad corresponding to the midi channel the daw is transmitting on.

    This only works due to GR now having an AB start button so thanks again for implementing that

    What would be even better is if we got IAA multi outs. @jimpavloff can we please get those ? Would love to add external effects or record stems in real-time in AUM....

    In the next update - pattern's stems export and pattern Ableton Live Set export!

    Nice! Thanks dude :) > @Lt_Core said:

    @Iostress said:

    @Lt_Core said:

    @Iostress said:

    @Lt_Core said:
    I think I’m the only one who doesn’t understand how to use this app, ugh. It’s great you all love it, I just wish I could figure it out, haha!

    Where are you having issues? Not many tutorial videos out there for this yet but can prob help out on here if give specifics ;)

    @guidinglight said:

    @Lt_Core said:
    I think I’m the only one who doesn’t understand how to use this app, ugh. It’s great you all love it, I just wish I could figure it out, haha!

    Do you know about shift functions? What can’t you figure out?

    I'm new to creating electronic music. I play guitar and gig 2 to 3 times a month. I'm adding some electronic sounds/samples/etc to our live show so I bought a bunch of iOS apps for my iPad Pro and a Novation LaunchPad Pro. Just some background on me and what I'm going for.

    With that being said, the whole step/sequencer thing has me a bit confused on how to get it going I guess. Is it as simple as pressing record then tapping out a bunch of sounds, then building it up from there? Sorry for the newbie question.

    Step sequencers aren't always easiest thing to integrate in to a live show with other non-electronic musicians. You say 'our' live show. Do you have a drummer? If so he'll probably need a click if you're running sequences... You could pan something for click out of either L/R for him to play to and pan everything else the opposite.

    Re integration in general. Besides obvs leaving rest of band space for their instruments. I guess just try to have fun with GR16 at rehearsals and alone and see if it works and adds to your overall sound in a way that fits and is worth the hassle. Should be able to do a bunch of stuff in GR16 that will be worth having going on though. Especially with the performance fx.

    If you aren't going to perform live on GR16 (maybe hands busy with other instruments?) then maybe look elsewhere if you just wanna make stems tracks to pad out your live sound? And if things like parameter locks (changing a paramater per step) and trig conditions (the probability feature. having a step only trigger a certain % of passes.) don't really interest you at the moment then you might find other apps (linear sequencers that host AU) that offer you more for what you're looking for.

    Also you're probably wise to it already but probably a good idea to have some empty patterns set up with sounds you think you wanna use already loaded to parts. That way your band doesn't have to wait around while you're browsing and loading. From experience that can turn a fun rehearsal sour pretty fast ;)

    Edit - apologies if some of the above reads as patronising! Like the advice with Click for drummer etc. No idea of your band setup or where you guys are already at ;) Good luck with it all in any case :smile: )

    Thanks for the reply. No offense taken :smile: I'm only using a few iPad apps here and there, intros of certain songs, etc. Only on one song I'm not playing guitar and using Synthscaper for the intro and chorus.

    I definitely would not use a sequencer live unless we played to a click, which we do not. We're extremely tight and rehearsed so no need for that. In general, I just want to understand how sequencers/groove boxes work.

    Maybe I'll look into Positive Grid's BT4, that might connect to AUM or AudioBus for turning various apps on & off:

    Cool. GR16's a pretty good place to start with for getting in to step sequencers. Cheap and touches on most aspects. No real advice except mess with it ;)

    A shame you guys dont/wouldn't use a click, that's where the fun is with sequencers in a band setup. Live improv with patterns and fx. But yeah could still use gr16 like you use Fieldscaper for intros/outros etc and grab one of the midi pedals you're looking at :)

  • Thanks, very nice!

  • edited January 2018

    In Groove Rider 1.2.2 there are no bank or pattern import options in the Groove Rider menus like in the earlier versions of the app. You can use the iOS “open in” option to import Groove Rider files, just make sure you’re on correct bank pattern when you import pattern files.

  • @jimpavloff said: In the next update - pattern's stems export and pattern Ableton Live Set export!


  • edited January 2018

    @InfoCheck said:
    In Groove Rider 1.2.2 there are no bank or pattern import options as in the earlier versions of the app.

    Use “open in” from wherever you have the files stored. Or “copy to Grooverider” can’t remember which.

  • edited January 2018

    @jimpavloff said: In the next update - pattern's stems export and pattern Ableton Live Set export!

    mindfuckingblowing... i jizzed my pants..

  • edited January 2018

    @db909 said:

    @InfoCheck said:
    In Groove Rider 1.2.2 there are no bank or pattern import options as in the earlier versions of the app.

    Use “open in” from wherever you have the files stored. Or “copy to Grooverider” can’t remember which.

    Thank you “open in” works. Google Drive dropped the .gr16 from the file names so I got an error when I tried to import it from there.

  • Another great update! Thanks @jimpavloff

  • Hell yeah reverb tails between patterns and copy/paste of entire bars. Jim thank you so much. Too kind

  • edited January 2018

    Thank you... Ableton Export... Go to go..

    Edit... Unbelievable..

  • edited January 2018

    @db909 said:
    Hell yeah reverb tails between patterns and copy/paste of entire bars. Jim thank you so much. Too kind


    Well I see the new version is apparently available in the app store but not available for me to update yet. I guess I’ll have to be patient.

  • @jimpavloff There appears to be a bug as I can only get the Hall reverb tail to continue between patterns. The other reverb types get cut. It would also be good if the insert and mfx could continue as if you are using long delays these get cut off.

  • @jimpavloff
    So very cool-
    Thanks for the stems (and all the other treats)!

  • @Mark B said:
    @jimpavloff There appears to be a bug as I can only get the Hall reverb tail to continue between patterns. The other reverb types get cut. It would also be good if the insert and mfx could continue as if you are using long delays these get cut off.


  • Pattern stems and ableton export are nice additions. Great work Mr Jim :)

    Would be good to see some kind of solution for getting full performance stems out too.

    Probability + live master fx tweaking + jump mode/arpeggio improv are all a big part of the appeal for me in GR16 but all become redundant in pattern stems/ableton export.

  • Is anyone having trouble copying/pasting? I can’t seem to get a part copied from one instrument to another all of the sudden

  • @db909 said:
    Is anyone having trouble copying/pasting? I can’t seem to get a part copied from one instrument to another all of the sudden

    Seems like a bug, I'll check it out!

  • @Mark B said:
    @jimpavloff There appears to be a bug as I can only get the Hall reverb tail to continue between patterns. The other reverb types get cut. It would also be good if the insert and mfx could continue as if you are using long delays these get cut off.

    Thanks, this one to be fixed too, including delays.

  • Awesome. Thanks :)

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