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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • @ksound said:

    @robosardine said:
    There was no faux pas on my part. Nor was there any rubbing anything in Korgs face- I’m not sure what gave you that idea?
    I merely went to the forum (as a former user) and introduced the members there to Grooverider inviting them to check it out should they be interested to do so.

    I dunno, Groove Rider is my favorite app, and I’d really like to see it not go away from a cease and desist. It seems like a bad idea to post it to a hardware Electribe Korg forum, say it has features “Korg should have implemented”, and to be kinda aggro on your responses. If you’re going to be an ambassador, be an ambassador.

    Well- I might do if you could kindly elucidate.
    Firstly by - not go away from a cease and desist.- What do you mean by this in common English please?
    Secondly- why would it be a bad idea to make a post on a Hardware Electribes Forum? it’s hardly far removed from the interest- as some of the replies have shown- of Electribe users.
    Thirdly- say what? Who ‘say’ it has features ‘Korg should have implemented’ - what does that mean. You have this in quotations- I said nothing like this or even indicated anything like it.
    I was aggreived at a lazy thoughtless hastily thought out response- and I let it be known- this is far removed from aggro as I know it.
    Would you kindly back up your series of statements with some kind of reasoning/ evidence or illustration as to how you came by them.

  • @robosardine said:

    @ksound said:

    @robosardine said:
    There was no faux pas on my part. Nor was there any rubbing anything in Korgs face- I’m not sure what gave you that idea?
    I merely went to the forum (as a former user) and introduced the members there to Grooverider inviting them to check it out should they be interested to do so.

    I dunno, Groove Rider is my favorite app, and I’d really like to see it not go away from a cease and desist. It seems like a bad idea to post it to a hardware Electribe Korg forum, say it has features “Korg should have implemented”, and to be kinda aggro on your responses. If you’re going to be an ambassador, be an ambassador.

    Well- I might do if you could kindly elucidate.
    Firstly by - not go away from a cease and desist.- What do you mean by this in common English please?
    Secondly- why would it be a bad idea to make a post on a Hardware Electribes Forum? it’s hardly far removed from the interest- as some of the replies have shown- of Electribe users.
    Thirdly- say what? Who ‘say’ it has features ‘Korg should have implemented’ - what does that mean. You have this in quotations- I said nothing like this or even indicated anything like it.
    I was aggreived at a lazy thoughtless hastily thought out response- and I let it be known- this is far removed from aggro as I know it.
    Would you kindly back up your series of statements with some kind of reasoning/ evidence or illustration as to how you came by them.

    Here is a copy of my posting on the Korg Forum Index should you need to reference it

    PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:53 pm Post subject: Groove Rider- You need to see this. Reply with quote

    Hi- it’s your old friend robosardine here. You may not know or remember me- maybe one or two will- but it’s been several years since I moved over to iOS (iPad) for music making......... just after the pattern sustain bug on the new electribes became apparent. It was a good move for lots of reasons- but I will not bore you with them-
    Anyway- I am not here in an attempt to convert anyone- but if you like your electribes- then you will probably like this. I am drawing your attention to it purely as you may have been otherwise oblivious to it....... and who knows- you may well wish to convert once you have looked into it- which you should if you haven’t already........ look into it that is. It makes total economic sense- eg this costs only £10- and I can have as many as I want (which is two as I have two iPads) at no extra cost - and they are very easily synced by using ableton link.
    Just go to YouTube and type in- ‘Groove Rider GR16 for iOS’- and you will see what I mean.

  • edited January 2018

    A cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to stop purportedly illegal activity ("cease") and not to restart it ("desist").

    A relevant example is Roland and the Rebirth app, see the link for details.

    The fear being that bringing Grooverider to prominence on the Korg site may provoke similar action from them against the Grooverider devs.

  • @BiancaNeve said:
    A cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to stop purportedly illegal activity ("cease") and not to restart it ("desist").

    A relevant example is Roland and the Rebirth app, see the link for details.

    The fear being that bringing Grooverider to prominence on the Korg site may provoke similar action from them against the Grooverider devs.

    Ok right- thanks for that.
    I'm sure this was discussed earlier in the forum- about whether it is or isn't some sort of clone.
    I hereby claim all rights to delay/ echo effects in and around the world. My great great great grandfather discovered this when he accidentally dropped his accordion down a well. It was caught on tape by his wife who was recording herself tapping out a waltz on her dentures with thimbles on her fingers at the time. The pair of them recreated this effect using gunpowder and a kettle inside a cupboard of their ice cream van- (which was hitherto spotted at a local breakers yard).
    Anyway- they passed the secret down through the generations after taking out a world wide patent with a passing stranger- and gave it to me.
    Pease send 25% of all royalties accrued to my Paypal account.

  • edited January 2018

    @robosardine cease and desist trolling the forums. >:)

  • @BiancaNeve said:
    A cease and desist letter is a document sent to an individual or business to stop purportedly illegal activity ("cease") and not to restart it ("desist").

    A relevant example is Roland and the Rebirth app, see the link for details.

    The fear being that bringing Grooverider to prominence on the Korg site may provoke similar action from them against the Grooverider devs.

    Don't think this is possible.. there is big difference... Rebith was direct clone of TR808, TR909 and TB303 and those machines weere also named same way inside application ..

    Gr16 is "inspired by" .. it do not calls itself direct clone, do not uses name of Electribe in any way .. so there is no way that any lawyer in the world can force Jim put GR16 down.. it's same like Roland trying to put down ALL 0x0 box emulations ever made - which is not possible too.. and there is lot of them, just authors of theme were a little bit more cautious and named their apps diferennlty + added new stuff, so they cannot be considered as direct clones ..

    For example
    303 -
    909 -
    808 -

    Or stuff from Audiorealism ;-) So i think Jim's masterpiece is perfectly safe. It is not Electribe clone, it is groovebox inspired by Electribe :-)

  • It is more than a little likely that Korg also has design patents including the front panel design, layouts and workflow. These go further than just the colors and the shapes of buttons. Keeping this under the radar seems prudent ;)

  • edited January 2018

    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

  • @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    Sounds good!

  • @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

  • @Sygma said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

    Yes, step conditions are very cool thing, especially if you need to program fills that repeat for example every 8 bars while looping a single pattern, which has a total length of just 1 or 2 bars!

  • @jimpavloff said:

    @Sygma said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

    Yes, step conditions are very cool thing, especially if you need to program fills that repeat for example every 8 bars while looping a single pattern, which has a total length of just 1 or 2 bars!

    +1 :)

  • @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    Bloody Awesome!!

  • When this app was announced I went from thinking I would never buy that, to yeah maybe it’s cool, to my fav of 2017. Thank-you Mr. Pavloff for this great piece of software and your continued support and development!

  • @jimpavloff Thanks & good work on the next update - cheers

  • step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    I’m sure this is a ‘good thing’, but what does it mean in English ?

  • @Sygma said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

    @Sygma Are there any online tutorials of "step trigger conditions" I googled but can't find any?
    Thanks in advance -

  • I found this, though the details will be different I guess the principles seem well explained

  • @BiancaNeve said:
    I found this, though the details will be different I guess the principles seem well explained

    ok thanks

  • @stormbeats said:

    @Sygma said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

    @Sygma Are there any online tutorials of "step trigger conditions" I googled but can't find any?
    Thanks in advance -

    Easiest video is this one for me :blush:
    It is not obvious to understand when you don't own an Electron box, but trust me it really empowers the sequencer !

  • @Sygma said:

    @stormbeats said:

    @Sygma said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

    @Sygma Are there any online tutorials of "step trigger conditions" I googled but can't find any?
    Thanks in advance -

    Easiest video is this one for me :blush:
    It is not obvious to understand when you don't own an Electron box, but trust me it really empowers the sequencer !

    cheers thanks for that

  • Oh boy! Very nice update feature list

  • This is great stuff, thanks for the videos about conditional triggers. But It's really amazing how far ahead of the iOS game Patterning has been in this regard.

  • edited January 2018

    @jimpavloff Conditional trigs...mmmmm...yummy. Any chance we could change Patches on a per step basis as well in the near future :)

    Ya we could have crazy cool sequences galore :)

  • @Sygma said:

    @stormbeats said:

    @Sygma said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    A small teaser for the next update: Arpeggiator hold function; Velocity pads option, radial or vertical - can be assigned to every specific part; chain stop command; Shift+Play mode function for immediate playback of "blinking" pattern; increased shift button touch area. And maybe if I will manage it quick - IAA transport & sync support.
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    OMG Elektron’s type step trigger conditions ! This is a dream come true , thank you so much

    @Sygma Are there any online tutorials of "step trigger conditions" I googled but can't find any?
    Thanks in advance -

    Easiest video is this one for me :blush:
    It is not obvious to understand when you don't own an Electron box, but trust me it really empowers the sequencer !

    Ta, one question, Who’s Phil?

    I’m going to need to absorb that later. Appreciate the ongoing dev.

  • edited January 2018

    @jimpavloff eq&compressor on the Master channel would be supercool and if poss an option to turn off the flashing Tap Tempo button
    Look forward to the bigger SHIFT button would be great if it had toggle on/off i.e double tap on/off or set in the Settings menu.
    Is it posible to add a compressor INSERT EFFECT (IFX) and increase to 2 Insert fx per part? Eq&Compressor option per part would be a major step to making GR standalone. If not just a Compressor would be excelent. Would work very well with the Reverb which is I think the best I've heard on iOS
    On the top of the Mixer window peak volume indicators would be good in numbers(accurate) though the LED helps.
    I know I prob asked for the Eq/Compressor before but I am prefering GR to anything else soundwise and work flow.

  • @jimpavloff said:
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    Great news about the Step Trigger Conditions.

    Can I ask for midi out as well?

  • @samboom said:

    @jimpavloff said:
    And yes, more step trigger conditions will be added (PRE/NEI/1ST/FILL/A:B), assignable for part steps.

    Great news about the Step Trigger Conditions.

    Can I ask for midi out as well?

    B) Yes... Midi out ...... Nice.

  • Holy shit! I've just bought it. I know about this app but I was put away by the "retro" graphics.
    Man it's the Electribe 2 on the iPad. I freaking love it!

  • @alecsbuga said:
    Holy shit! I've just bought it. I know about this app but I was put away by the "retro" graphics.
    Man it's the Electribe 2 on the iPad. I freaking love it!

    Never judge a book .....

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