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Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

Groove Rider GR-16 Released!



  • @jimpavloff said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Carnbot said:
    Nice, I too hope AUv3 is a future possibility :)

    We had that debate a several dozen pages ago... at least a few times already.

    It’s kind of reaching the point where I’d love to see @jimpavloff start to look at gr16 mkii... totally new app.

    Multiple pages covering things like the fast workflow stuff from Korg Wave. + hosting AU instruments and au FX. And full screen piano roll. Onscreen keyboard etc. Would be next level for both performance and composition..

    Gr16 is a great achievement but starting to feel kinda ‘how much can be squeezed in to this one page/view?' without each element being unnecessarily compromised or fiddly or over simplified... gr16 ‘expanded’ would be amazing! Instabuy.

    Not knocking the current app at all. These new updates look very cool and it feels really close to ‘complete’ now in terms of the original ‘all on one page’ manifesto. Jim’s done incredible work on it. Just think maybe reaching the point where it could become counter productive to try and squeeze more stuff in to such a small space.. for instance the new 8 bar functionality. If there was a dedicated steps page then all of those rows could be on screen simultaneously...stuff like that. Would love to see a gr16 that has the current gui as the main page, but other pages that can be used to focus in more detail on all the different elements.

    This is all just wishlist stuff tho. Not taking anything away from how good the 8 bars and wavetable addditons are, great job Jim :)

    You seem to be reading my thoughts! Just the many things I was thinking about, collected in one short reply.

    I like the name too. Better than slapping a Pro in it.

  • Glad to hear we will have 8 bars. Wavetable, I guess is cool too. What I really really hope for someday is to be able to chain patterns in different time signatures, or at least in a way other than 16 steps forced pattern chain. 8 bars will help though and I can just stay there in one pattern and add more parts by muting and unmuting the extra channels. Now I can have 8 bars of 14 steps for some 7/8 stuff. When I try to chain patterns or export it adds extra steps I don’t want in accordance with the “rhythm base”. So for exporting I can just chop off the parts I don’t want, but pattern chain isn’t going to work so well.

    Thanks for making the interface work nicely on our tiny phone screens. This is now what I turn to when I only have my phone and a few minutes to fiddle around. Most other things are way too frustrating and I should really just delete most everything that I haven’t already on my phone and just use Groove Rider.

  • @Dawdles said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Carnbot said:
    Nice, I too hope AUv3 is a future possibility :)

    We had that debate a several dozen pages ago... at least a few times already.

    It’s kind of reaching the point where I’d love to see @jimpavloff start to look at gr16 mkii... totally new app.

    Multiple pages covering things like the fast workflow stuff from Korg Wave. + hosting AU instruments and au FX. And full screen piano roll. Onscreen keyboard etc. Would be next level for both performance and composition..

    Gr16 is a great achievement but starting to feel kinda ‘how much can be squeezed in to this one page/view?' without each element being unnecessarily compromised or fiddly or over simplified... gr16 ‘expanded’ would be amazing! Instabuy.

    Not knocking the current app at all. These new updates look very cool and it feels really close to ‘complete’ now in terms of the original ‘all on one page’ manifesto. Jim’s done incredible work on it. Just think maybe reaching the point where it could become counter productive to try and squeeze more stuff in to such a small space.. for instance the new 8 bar functionality. If there was a dedicated steps page then all of those rows could be on screen simultaneously...stuff like that. Would love to see a gr16 that has the current gui as the main page, but other pages that can be used to focus in more detail on all the different elements.

    This is all just wishlist stuff tho. Not taking anything away from how good the 8 bars and wavetable addditons are, great job Jim :)

    You seem to be reading my thoughts! Just the many things I was thinking about, collected in one short reply.

    Exciting times ahead :)

    Indeed indeed.

  • Pooor Korg😭

  • Great update Jim, thanks!

    I’d buy this...

    @jimpavloff said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Carnbot said:
    Nice, I too hope AUv3 is a future possibility :)

    We had that debate a several dozen pages ago... at least a few times already.

    It’s kind of reaching the point where I’d love to see @jimpavloff start to look at gr16 mkii... totally new app.

    Multiple pages covering things like the fast workflow stuff from Korg Wave. + hosting AU instruments and au FX. And full screen piano roll. Onscreen keyboard etc. Would be next level for both performance and composition..

    Gr16 is a great achievement but starting to feel kinda ‘how much can be squeezed in to this one page/view?' without each element being unnecessarily compromised or fiddly or over simplified... gr16 ‘expanded’ would be amazing! Instabuy.

    Not knocking the current app at all. These new updates look very cool and it feels really close to ‘complete’ now in terms of the original ‘all on one page’ manifesto. Jim’s done incredible work on it. Just think maybe reaching the point where it could become counter productive to try and squeeze more stuff in to such a small space.. for instance the new 8 bar functionality. If there was a dedicated steps page then all of those rows could be on screen simultaneously...stuff like that. Would love to see a gr16 that has the current gui as the main page, but other pages that can be used to focus in more detail on all the different elements.

    This is all just wishlist stuff tho. Not taking anything away from how good the 8 bars and wavetable addditons are, great job Jim :)

    You seem to be reading my thoughts! Just the many things I was thinking about, collected in one short reply.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @Dawdles said:

    @SpookyZoo said:
    Great update Jim, thanks!

    I’d buy this...

    @jimpavloff said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Carnbot said:
    Nice, I too hope AUv3 is a future possibility :)

    We had that debate a several dozen pages ago... at least a few times already.

    It’s kind of reaching the point where I’d love to see @jimpavloff start to look at gr16 mkii... totally new app.

    Multiple pages covering things like the fast workflow stuff from Korg Wave. + hosting AU instruments and au FX. And full screen piano roll. Onscreen keyboard etc. Would be next level for both performance and composition..

    Gr16 is a great achievement but starting to feel kinda ‘how much can be squeezed in to this one page/view?' without each element being unnecessarily compromised or fiddly or over simplified... gr16 ‘expanded’ would be amazing! Instabuy.

    Not knocking the current app at all. These new updates look very cool and it feels really close to ‘complete’ now in terms of the original ‘all on one page’ manifesto. Jim’s done incredible work on it. Just think maybe reaching the point where it could become counter productive to try and squeeze more stuff in to such a small space.. for instance the new 8 bar functionality. If there was a dedicated steps page then all of those rows could be on screen simultaneously...stuff like that. Would love to see a gr16 that has the current gui as the main page, but other pages that can be used to focus in more detail on all the different elements.

    This is all just wishlist stuff tho. Not taking anything away from how good the 8 bars and wavetable addditons are, great job Jim :)

    You seem to be reading my thoughts! Just the many things I was thinking about, collected in one short reply.

    While we're chatting about an expanded new app @jimpavloff .... Please also consider sample layers, round Robin, lots of timestrech functionality, sample lock per step, deeper slicing functionality and octatrack style scenes/morph. And day to day stuff like Files app browsing/import, nested sample folders, drumkits + unlimited user projects ;)

    These things + AU hosting and the extra pages mentioned previously, similar to the new Korg Wave (the note editing and automation editing looks great on that..) would easily make GR16 mkii a £40-£50 app no question. Really excited to see what you do next :)

    Maybe I’m going out on a limb but having a 4x4 set of pads rather than 8x2 would also be preferred for ergonomical reasons but whatever honesty it’s your app and you’re free to make it as you see fit.

    +1 for audio in sampling as well, IMO that is more important than AU hosting.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Is there a list somewhere of what the Edit 1 and 2 knobs do for each type of waveform? Would it be a possibility in future to have these written on the knobs themselves and then change when they change, like in that... er... other app?

  • @Dawdles said:

    +1 for audio in sampling as well, IMO that is more important than AU hosting.

    disagree.. there is lot musical styles where sampling is completely not neede .. plus there is AudioLayer AUv3 sampler, so basically with AU hosting you have covered also sampling :) Sampling is just one small subset of all possible sound creation methods, and AU hosting cover ALL those subsets .. ;-)

  • edited September 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The problem with a 40- 50 euro price tag for an iPad app is very few people will buy it unless the company is well established in my opinion, then everyone waits until the app goes on sale which is great for the hardcore consumer but sucks for the Dev. I could be wrong but what if a consumer isn’t happy with a 50 euro app. All hell will break lose. The consumer says how outrageous it is for a 50 euro app to have bugs. That’s a lot of pressure for one dude. Like I said I could be wrong but it would be concerning.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • @gonekrazy3000 said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @eross said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @eross said:

    @jimpavloff said:

    @eross said:
    love the new sample reverse feature. is there a way to adjust the speed of the sample playback?

    Yes, note's pitch.

    awesome. so what does repitch do at the sample editing screen?

    Repitch automatically scales (pitches) a sample loop to fit current BPM.

    Thanks. Man, this app keeps getting better and better. All your apps are great. So do you have any new apps in the works?

    Not yet... Throw me an idea! ))

    Same as gr16 but host AU instruments and fx with p-locks, Expandable browser/piano roll/nested folders in files, more lfos and a more traditional mod matrix and throw in octatrack scenes banks as a new x/y pad function, record separate stems of performace.....Job done ;)

    I second this. I will literally throw money at you if you made this.

    @jimpavloff said:
    One more good news for the next update: I'm going to add Wavetable synthesis! You will be able to import your own wavetables (Serum wavetable .wav file format supported) and play them, using Edit 1 knob as a wavetable position.

    OMG yes. All my delicious serum wavetables :D

  • two questions.... one, did this update come out already?
    two, what ios apps can make wave tables? I think there is a Scythe update that has wavetable
    creation, can those be exported to Gr-16?

  • WaveGenerator

  • @dendy said:

    @Dawdles said:

    +1 for audio in sampling as well, IMO that is more important than AU hosting.

    disagree.. there is lot musical styles where sampling is completely not neede .. plus there is AudioLayer AUv3 sampler, so basically with AU hosting you have covered also sampling :) Sampling is just one small subset of all possible sound creation methods, and AU hosting cover ALL those subsets .. ;-)

    Seek professional help.

  • edited September 2018

    @dendy said:

    @Dawdles said:

    +1 for audio in sampling as well, IMO that is more important than AU hosting.

    disagree.. there is lot musical styles where sampling is completely not neede .. plus there is AudioLayer AUv3 sampler, so basically with AU hosting you have covered also sampling :) Sampling is just one small subset of all possible sound creation methods, and AU hosting cover ALL those subsets .. ;-)

    Considering that barebones sampling won't help us much and building a full-fledged sampler into GR-16 might be asking too much, being able to use bs-16i or AudioLayer inside is certainly a very interesting perspective.

  • @rs2000 said:
    Nave :smile:

    can you export wave tables from nave?

  • @eross said:

    @rs2000 said:
    Nave :smile:

    can you export wave tables from nave?

    You can, you just have to open them as IEEE 32bit float files. Ocenaudio can do it.

  • wimwim
    edited September 2018

    Just a reminder ... GR-16 has midi out (one channel per pad), so it can be used with AUv3 or IAA apps. Unfortunately this is only for notes, no cc’s from the knobs, but still very, very useful.

    @jimpavloff, it would be so cool if, when a pad is set up for midi-out, the knobs became midi cc senders, including all the automation features.

    I’m violating my resolve not to request more features for this amazingly complete app, but this one struck me just now as too brilliant to ignore. B)

  • @rs2000 said:

    @eross said:

    @rs2000 said:
    Nave :smile:

    can you export wave tables from nave?

    You can, you just have to open them as IEEE 32bit float files. Ocenaudio can do it.

    Makes me kinda wish Nave had support so the exported wave-tables wouldn't have to take a de-tour via the computer...

  • @Samu said:

    @rs2000 said:

    @eross said:

    @rs2000 said:
    Nave :smile:

    can you export wave tables from nave?

    You can, you just have to open them as IEEE 32bit float files. Ocenaudio can do it.

    Makes me kinda wish Nave had support so the exported wave-tables wouldn't have to take a de-tour via the computer...

    The wavetable file needs some post-processing on the computer anyway (cut start of file, fix offsets so you have usable wave cycles), but isn't iTunes file sharing accessible over WiFi too? Time for some automation scripts on the computer ;)

  • edited September 2018

    @rs2000 said:

    The wavetable file needs some post-processing on the computer anyway (cut start of file, fix offsets so you have usable wave cycles), but isn't iTunes file sharing accessible over WiFi too? Time for some automation scripts on the computer ;)

    Yeah, but for 'abusing' nave as a speech synthesiser it was enough to change the sample-rate to 11025 or something lower than 44100 and cut out the 'click' in the beginning :)

    Audacity worked like a charm for that task...

  • @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @SpookyZoo said:
    Great update Jim, thanks!

    I’d buy this...

    @jimpavloff said:

    @Dawdles said:

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @Carnbot said:
    Nice, I too hope AUv3 is a future possibility :)

    We had that debate a several dozen pages ago... at least a few times already.

    It’s kind of reaching the point where I’d love to see @jimpavloff start to look at gr16 mkii... totally new app.

    Multiple pages covering things like the fast workflow stuff from Korg Wave. + hosting AU instruments and au FX. And full screen piano roll. Onscreen keyboard etc. Would be next level for both performance and composition..

    Gr16 is a great achievement but starting to feel kinda ‘how much can be squeezed in to this one page/view?' without each element being unnecessarily compromised or fiddly or over simplified... gr16 ‘expanded’ would be amazing! Instabuy.

    Not knocking the current app at all. These new updates look very cool and it feels really close to ‘complete’ now in terms of the original ‘all on one page’ manifesto. Jim’s done incredible work on it. Just think maybe reaching the point where it could become counter productive to try and squeeze more stuff in to such a small space.. for instance the new 8 bar functionality. If there was a dedicated steps page then all of those rows could be on screen simultaneously...stuff like that. Would love to see a gr16 that has the current gui as the main page, but other pages that can be used to focus in more detail on all the different elements.

    This is all just wishlist stuff tho. Not taking anything away from how good the 8 bars and wavetable addditons are, great job Jim :)

    You seem to be reading my thoughts! Just the many things I was thinking about, collected in one short reply.

    While we're chatting about an expanded new app @jimpavloff .... Please also consider sample layers, round Robin, lots of timestrech functionality, sample lock per step, deeper slicing functionality and octatrack style scenes/morph. And day to day stuff like Files app browsing/import, nested sample folders, drumkits + unlimited user projects ;)

    These things + AU hosting and the extra pages mentioned previously, similar to the new Korg Wave (the note editing and automation editing looks great on that..) would easily make GR16 mkii a £40-£50 app no question. Really excited to see what you do next :)

    Maybe I’m going out on a limb but having a 4x4 set of pads rather than 8x2 would also be preferred for ergonomical reasons but whatever honesty it’s your app and you’re free to make it as you see fit.

    +1 for audio in sampling as well, IMO that is more important than AU hosting.

    I prefer the 8x2. Since there’s no keyboard, having a more linear layout is easier for me when playing notes rather than drums.

  • edited September 2018

    @LucidMusicInc said:

    @dendy said:

    @Dawdles said:

    +1 for audio in sampling as well, IMO that is more important than AU hosting.

    disagree.. there is lot musical styles where sampling is completely not neede .. plus there is AudioLayer AUv3 sampler, so basically with AU hosting you have covered also sampling :) Sampling is just one small subset of all possible sound creation methods, and AU hosting cover ALL those subsets .. ;-)

    Seek professional help.

    LLOL (literal)

  • edited September 2018

    @wim said:
    Just a reminder ... GR-16 has midi out (one channel per pad), so it can be used with AUv3 or IAA apps. Unfortunately this is only for notes, no cc’s from the knobs, but still very, very useful.

    Oh my, how could I forget that?
    You're totally right! Thanks for waking me up, bs-16i is already playing the piano for me :D

  • @jimpavloff - Last small suggestion, I think.

    When a pad is playing midi-out it doesn’t light up when sending note data. It would be nice to see it light up as the rest of the pads do.

  • @jimpavloff yeah i like both of those midi out suggestions you just posted. that could be really cool

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